Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wednesday - August 24, 2011

Who's a brave girl?  Ella Jane Steele ;)  We survived our 4 month check up and shots this morning.  Ella is doing well with regards to her weight gain and height.  She lost 5% in her height but gained 5% in her weight.  Her hair still remains at 100%.  I video tape her shots and this was the first time I heard her cry in a high pitch tone - it was so heart breaking to hear. 

Video:  Ella and Brian in the waiting room.

Video:  Ella playing in the mirror before her shots.

4 Month Check Up:
Weight: 15 Pounds (80%)
Height: 25 1/2 Inches (90%)
Head Circumference: 16 1/2 Inches (75%)

Video:  Ella's 4 month examine

Video:  Ella getting her shots (please be warned, she is screaming)

Picture:  Ella getting her measurements done

Picture:  Ella getting weighed (15lbs!)

Picture:  Ella getting her examine.

We spent the rest of the afternoon sleeping and watching Ella's temperature.  She took a nap between 12:05pm to 2:55pm and was alert the rest of the afternoon. It seems that the shots hasn't phased her in any way.  I guess we'll see tonight if it affects her sleep - she is so sleeping in our bed tonight!

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