Thursday, August 18, 2011

Tuesday - August 16, 2011

Ella now enjoys figuring out how to un-swaddle herself in the most unusual way.  I found her with her legs out but her arms still tightly swaddle.  She looked like she was strait jacket or something to that affect.

We spent the morning at DDGE and then took a nice long nap in the afternoon.  ;)  I haven't napped with Ella in a while but the weekend of activities finally caught up to me.  She's starting to exhibit signs of being a snuggle bunny because every time I hold her she eventually wakes up - as if she's telling me, hey get off of me I'm trying to sleep!  Oh wells.  She's still cute to sleep next to.

Video:  Ella loving the corner of the sofa.

Picture:  Ella's hair after her bath.

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