Friday, August 5, 2011

Friday - August 5, 2011

Happy Friday!  Ella woke up EARLY this morning (8:30pm to 4:00am; 4:30am to 7:30am) which means I didn't get a good nights rest.  ;( I need to start sleeping when Ella goes to sleep otherwise I am going to get cranky.

Morning Activities:  Play date with Tien & Claire are always so much fun!  Ella stayed awake long enough to play with Claire and they are getting just too darn cute.  We had them both sit on a chair and they looked like they were waiting for something to happen.

Video:  Ella & Claire

Ella spent the rest of the visit sleeping and continued to sleep through the afternoon (10:30am to 3:00pm). . . she must have been making up for her lack of naps from yesterday's activities.

Picture: Ella's New Hairdo

Picture:  Ella in her new toy

Picture:  Ella after a bath

Picture:  Ella in her PJs

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