Monday, August 8, 2011

Saturday - August 6, 2011

Ella went back to her normal sleeping pattern last night (9:00pm to 6:45am) and it was wonderful!  It's odd but I think she sleeps better at night when she gets her long nap in the afternoon.

Morning/Afternoon Activities:  We went out together as a family into field service and Ella enjoyed most of it as she was in her sling.  She even fell asleep on some parts of the walk.  :)  With her good mood we were able to have brunch at Shady Lady and even sat outside to enjoy the sun.

Brian spent the afternoon on the American River while Ella and I enjoyed our time at home (with the AC on!).  Ella took a nice nap and was ready to play in the afternoon! 

Picture:  Ella kinda smiling and sticking her tongue out.

Video:  Ella talking.

Video:  Ella + Summer Seat

Evening Activities:  Brian was stuck on the river so Ella and I went over to the Perkins for a BBQ.  Ella loved the attention she received from McKenzie and Ethan.  She was such a good girl during dinner and only cried when it got closer to her bedtime. 

Video:  Ella + McKenzie

Picture:  Ella + Ethan

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