Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday - August 29, 2011

Ella slept good last night (9:10pm-6:25am).  I feel bad at times because I can't seem to change her diaper and get her fed fast enough - - she is starving when she wakes up!  Ella did good on the drive to work - talked for a good 15 minutes before she fell asleep.  We stuck with our eating schedule at 9am and 11am though Leslie had to calm the little rockstar down for the 9am feeding as she was getting fussy to eat.  On the drive home she talked, cried and then fell asleep ;)

Afternoon Activities:  I must have messed up her sleep schedule because she was a bit frustrated when I was putting her down for her long afternoon nap.  I usually put her in her swing but she kept waking up and not putting herself back to sleep.  I ended up letting her sleep in our bed and had to sleep next to her for a little while.

Picture:  Ella finally taking her afternoon nap.

Evening Activities:  Ella was a rockstar and slept from 2:05pm to 5:40 pm.  We did some tummy time and then played for most the evening.  She kept herself entertained for most of the time with her hand and she's starting to reach for toys!  ;)  As I let the dogs back into the house, Ella sit in her green chair and happily watched the dogs chase each other.  Though she seems a little scared when they bark, she does enjoy observing them play.

Video:  Ella's Tummy Time

Video:  Ella kicking away while on the changing table

Video:  Ella talking, smiling, laughing, and kicking.

Sunday - August 28, 2011

Who enjoys sleeping in? We all do.  I mean literally, we all enjoyed sleeping in this morning.  Ella was pretty exhausted from yesterday's activities so when she woke (8pm-9pm; 10pm-5:45am) this morning, she went right back to bed after being changed/fed (6am-9am).  When she woke up from her morning nap, we played for a little bit and she went back down for another nap from 10:30am-12:30ish.  Poor thing, she was catching up on her sleep. She was ready for another nap right as we were getting ready to leave for meeting.  ;*(  She cried on the ride to meeting and at the beginning of meeting. At least she fell asleep during most of the watchtower study so she was semi-refreshed for dinner.

Dinner with Bailee and Kellen:  We rushed home after meeting to prepare for our special dinner guests.  I purposely postpone Ella's bath until they arrived so Ella could enjoy being bathed by Bailee.  She didn't cry during the whole bath ;)  Way to go Bailee! 

Video:  Ella & Bailee - Bath Time

Video:  Bailee making Ella laugh

Video:  Kellen making Ella fall asleep (Yes, Kellen got her to fall asleep)

During dinner, we asked Kellen and Bailee to be Ella's Godparents in case anything were to happen to us both.  And we're so happy to announce that they said yes ;) 

Picture:  Ella with her Godparents Kellen and Bailee

Picture:  Ella laughing with Bailee

Saturday - August 27, 2011

Ella slept great last night.  Got back from the movies at 10:15pm and she went straight to bed after she was fed (10:30pm to 6:45am).  She was very alert this morning, talking away while in her crib.  Though, by the time I decide to video tape her - - she decided to stop talking and just observe her surroundings.

Video:  Ella playing in her crib

Video:  Ella's Tummy time

Lunch @ Ginger Star:  After we went out for morning service, we met up with Brian's family for lunch.  Kellen and Bailee are visiting for the next week so we made lots of arrangements for them to see Ella.  Kellen got to see his niece for the first time ;)  Lunch went smoothly as Ella was fed and changed.  She even fell asleep while Bailee was holding her.

Picture:  Ella with Aunt Bailee

Afternoon/Evening Activities:  We headed over to Jan and Chris's house after lunch and spent the rest of the day there.  Ella went down for her nap about 1pm and woke up at 3:50pm - which worked out nicely as everyone else went for a swim, did errands, etc.  Ella played with her Uncle and Aunt for most of the afternoon and wasn't too fussy.

Video:  Ella wearing her shades while Bailee holds her.

Video:  Ella chilling with Kellen

Picture:  Ella with Kellen and Bailee

Friday - August 26, 2011

Happy Friday!  Can you believe August is almost done?  Fall is just around the corner.  Ella slept good last night (9:00pm to 5:50am; and 6:15am to 7:30am).  She spoke loudly this morning and was so happy to see me (mommy = milk).  I put her back in her crib and she was able to fall back to sleep on her own.  It was fun watching her on the monitor playing, talking and then slowing closing her eyes.

We spent the morning at DDGE and then went straight to Brian's office.  Leslie had her first dirty diaper experience - and it was massive.  Ella leaked everywhere ;(  However, Ella seemed quite happy and ready to play.

Afternoon Activities:  Ella went to her first Dentist appointment today - - well, she went with me to my cleaning appointment.  It was pretty entertaining to watch her be so excited to see the different lights, art work, and people around her in the waiting room.  All of these distractions made it difficult to get her to focus on the task at hand - nursing.  She went a whole 3 hours before she eat but it was all in good timing because I was able to feed her before I went into for my cleaning.  While Leslie was watching her, everyone in Brian's office went over to say hello to the baby with lots of hair.

Ella took her long nap (2:30pm to 5:30pm) and was refreshed - aka ready to play! We played, finished folding laundry and got a few errands done around the house before Brian came home.  On the spur of the moment, we went to theaters to watch a movie for our family date night.

Video:  Ella enjoying sitting in her summer seat and practicing sitting up.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thursday - August 25, 2011

Ella had a slight temperature last night (the thermometer kept giving me mixed signals) so I gave her medicine to relieve the pain.  She took the medication like a rockstar and it even looked like she enjoyed it.  I wanted to keep an eye on Ella's temperature so she sleep in her bassinet in our bedroom.  Did you know that Ella loves to talk in her sleep?  I barely slept as I kept waking up to her talking and moving around. 

My dad flew in last night and flew out tonight (yes a quick visit to the Dentist).  BUT he did get to spend time with Ella. 

Picture:  Ella and Grandpa Frank

Morning Activities:  Dexter and Claire love it when my dad visits.  He gave them a nice long walk this morning, fed them, and gave them lots of love before I brought Ella down.  My dad's attention went directly to Ella which did not make Dexter and Claire very happy.  You can see in the video that they're both trying to fight for my dad's affection - - sorry dogs, a grandbaby will beat you every time.

Video:  Ella and Grandpa Frank and Dexter & Claire

Video:  Ella complaining to Grandpa Frank

Picture:  Ella + Grandpa Frank + Claire
Picture:  Ella starting at Dexter

Afternoon Activities:  My dad came back from Brian's office at the perfect moment - right before I put Ella down for her afternoon nap.  He got to play with her for a few minutes before she got cranky.  She took her long nap (1:45pm to 4:50pm) while Grandpa Frank took a nap too.

Picture:  Ella napping.

Video:  Ella sleeping (she likes to move and make sounds while she sleeps)

Picture:  Ella with her sunglasses

Video:  Ella showing Grandpa Frank her cool sunglasses.

Evening Activities:  After she woke up from her nap, I gave Ella her bath and she didn't cry during the entire time (must have been because her Grandpa Frank was there).  She spent the rest of the evening with my dad before his flight.

Video:  Ella after her bath with Grandpa Frank

Picture:  Ella and Grandpa Frank

As you can see, Ella goes through a few outfits a day as she continues to drool.  ;)  On a side note, we're going to introduce rice cereal after we get back from Hawaii/Los Angeles - - didn't want to introduce something new into Ella's schedule right before she travels.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wednesday - August 24, 2011

Who's a brave girl?  Ella Jane Steele ;)  We survived our 4 month check up and shots this morning.  Ella is doing well with regards to her weight gain and height.  She lost 5% in her height but gained 5% in her weight.  Her hair still remains at 100%.  I video tape her shots and this was the first time I heard her cry in a high pitch tone - it was so heart breaking to hear. 

Video:  Ella and Brian in the waiting room.

Video:  Ella playing in the mirror before her shots.

4 Month Check Up:
Weight: 15 Pounds (80%)
Height: 25 1/2 Inches (90%)
Head Circumference: 16 1/2 Inches (75%)

Video:  Ella's 4 month examine

Video:  Ella getting her shots (please be warned, she is screaming)

Picture:  Ella getting her measurements done

Picture:  Ella getting weighed (15lbs!)

Picture:  Ella getting her examine.

We spent the rest of the afternoon sleeping and watching Ella's temperature.  She took a nap between 12:05pm to 2:55pm and was alert the rest of the afternoon. It seems that the shots hasn't phased her in any way.  I guess we'll see tonight if it affects her sleep - she is so sleeping in our bed tonight!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tuesday - August 23, 2011

Ella slept good last night (8:50pm to 6:10am) and was a character after I change/fed her.  She loves to talk while laying next to Brian in our bed. I can hear her talking from downstairs ;)  I hope her sleeping habit never changes! 

Morning Activities:  So we set our morning schedule for Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday to go into the office from 8am to 11am.  Which allows Ella to get home in time for a long afternoon nap.  One might wonder what's our morning routine?  It goes something like this:
1) Change Ella's Diaper
2) Feeding Ella (as she is hungry!)
3) Lay Ella on the bed next to daddy (while I feeds the dogs, make a breakfast shake and lunch for Brian, and prep Ella's diaper bag)
4) Change Ella's clothes
5) Wash face, neck and hands.
6) One more feeding
7) Ella takes her morning nap on the car ride to work

Picture:  Ella smiling next to Brian in our bed.

Video:  Ella sucking on her thumb (she's sitting on Brian's stomach and leaning on his legs)

Afternoon Activities:  She did great on the car ride today ;)  We got home about noon and enjoyed our afternoon play time before Ella's long nap.  She really loves sitting on the corner of the sofa - she talks and giggles while enjoying looking around the room.  She went down for her nap at 1:20pm (woke up at 2pm but fell back to sleep) until .

Video:  Ella playing on her play mat.

As we got ready for meeting, Ella decided to give me a nice full dirty diaper ;) as she was playing with her feet.  Oh how I love dirty diapers!

Picture Ella holding her feet.

After we cleaned her up, she looked pretty good with pigtails for meeting.

Picture:  Ella with pigtails

Video:  Ella with pigtails sitting on the corner of the sofa.

Pictures: Ella with her future friends

Tomorrow will be a bad and good day.  Bad day as Ella gets her next round of shots.  Good day as she gets to see her Grandpa Frank.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Monday - August 22, 2011

4 Months and Counting!  I can't believe I'm typing that Ella is four months old.  Yes, four months old.  Where did her first four months go?  It's hard to tell but I'm pretty sure she grew another inch over the weekend because she looks tall!  Ella slept good last night 8:45pm to 6:35am.  I woke up to the sound of her talking to herself and sucking on her hand.

Video:  Ella waking up this morning

Morning Activities:  We spent the morning at DDGE and Ella enjoyed her time with Leslie.  Besides being scared by the vacuum, Ella did great and barely made a peep.  Even on the car ride to and from work she did great today. Right when we got home, I changed Ella's diaper and she now likes to play with her feet when she's on her back.

Video:  Ella playing with her feet like a monkey.

Picture:  Ella and her feet.

Afternoon/Evening Activities: After we got settled in, I fed Ella and she then proceeded to take her long afternoon nap (1:30pm to 5:30pm) which allowed me time to get caught up on a few things.

Picture:  Ella's Tummy Time
Video:  Ella's Bath Time

We're trying a new schedule for Ella - feeding time at 9am, 11am, 1pm, nap 1:30pm - 4:30pm, 5pm, 7pm, and 9pm.  Let's see if she likes it this week ;)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sunday - August 21, 2011

Ella will be officially 4 months tomorrow.  Time sure does fly by when your watching your baby grow!  Only 3 more days before we go into the Dr.'s office for Ella's next round of shot.  Yikes!

Morning/Afternoon Activities:  Besides sleeping in and tummy time, Ella had a nice relaxing Sunday morning.  She took her long nap today from 10:30am to 1:30pm.  Though when I went into her room to get her, she gave me a nice surprise - dirty diaper which leaked and got over her bed and sheets.  Sigh.  Bath time and laundry is really exhausting before meeting.

Picture:  Ella's hair sticks straight up after her bath.  But it starts to fall down about an hour later. ;(

Picture:  Ella + Racey

Evening Activities:  We spent the evening at Brian's parents house for dinner.  It was a special treat as they had friends visiting from NY.  Besides taking a mini-nap before dinner, Ella behaved for most of it.  She did show everyone that she had a voice and is not afraid to use it.

Video:  Ella with Great Grandpa Steele

Video:  Ella talking during dinner.

Picture:  Ella + Great Grandpa Steele

Picture:  Ella + Nana Steele + Great Grandpa Steele

Picture:  Ella + Mary + Roy

Saturday - August 20, 2011

Who's ready for the weekend?  We are!  And boy was it a busy Saturday for Ella.

Morning Activities:  Ella got up and was ready to go out in service with us.  During service meeting, she giggled and did not cry ;)  We were able to go out for a little while before Brian had an appointment.  Ella slept for most of service as she was in the sling and ready for her morning nap.  When we got home, we helped Brian pack for his river trip and then had lunch. 

Picture:  Ella's pigtails

Afternoon Activities:  Ella took her long afternoon nap which allowed me to get a few errands done around the house.  Once she woke up, we headed off to Woodland and spent the afternoon at Mary's. Mary and Dan had a wonderful BBQ for us and we got to see Matt & Kimi and Asa & Cora.

Video:  Ella sleeping on Kimi at Mary's house.

Picture:  Ella + Kimi  (thank you Kimi for holding her! Hope your arm didn't fall off)

Picture:  Ella + Asa (Thank you Cora & Asa for the adorable outfit!)

Friday - August 19, 2011

Ella continues to amaze me at how much she can starve herself in order to sleep peacefully through the night.  Her record thus far is 10.5 hours.  Yes, that's right - she slept from 8:15pm-6:45am last night.  When I woke up, I was so ready to nurse her.

Morning Activities:  We spent this morning hanging out with Tien & Claire at Barnes and Nobles in Elk Grove (it's closing down so if you want to get good deals, check it out!).  It was nice walking around and having our weekly play date.  Though Claire and Ella didn't play but it did allow us moms to catch up!  We had an early lunch at Noodles and something (forgot the name) and then went to Carters.  Where in which I got Ella more hair clips ;)

Afternoon/Evening Activities:  We picked up Leslie and then went into the office to cover for Adam as he was moving into his new place.  Ella did well despite her not taking her long afternoon nap.  She did survive the car ride home with traffic (aka didn't scream the whole way home) and went o FedEx and Nugget for groceries.  She slept for most of the errands as I was carrying her in the sling. 

Picture:  Ella + Brian

Video:  Brian with Ella before her bath.

Thursday - August 18, 2011

Who loves being able to go out after the baby is sleeping?  We do!  Ella went to bed last night at 8:45pm and Kana came over about 9pm to babysit ;)  Ella behaved and slept through the night as we went out to watch a comedy show.  Going to bed late was rough but it was well worth the night out with Brian. We love our sleeping beauty Ella.

Besides going into the office, Ella and I spent the rest of the afternoon playing, bath time, and naps.  Ella now has a new laugh when I tickle her tummy with my nose.  I tried to capture on video but it didn't come out as clear as I would hope.

Video:  Ella's new laugh.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Wednesday - August 17, 2011

How can you tell if Ella slept enough?  If she's crying - she did not get enough sleep and you probably woke her up.  If she's just looking around the room and talking - she is rested and ready to play.  So word to the wise, don't wake up a sleeping baby.  ;)

Ella and I slept in this morning until about 9:30ish.  She's been going to bed around 9pm and then waking up around 6:45am.  But after I change/fed her, she goes right back to bed.  After we fed the dogs, tidy up the house, and had lunch, Brian came home and we drove out to DDGE.  Brian went with Grandpa Earl to the shooting range while Ella and I worked in the office.  On our way home, we stopped by the mall to take care of a few errands and found Ella's first pair of shades!

Picture:  Ella with her first pair of shades

Doesn't she look like a diva?

One More Week!  We can't wait for Bailee & Kellen's visit, our trip to Hawaii and Kelly's wedding in LA.  Ella is going to be a traveling baby ;)

Tuesday - August 16, 2011

Ella now enjoys figuring out how to un-swaddle herself in the most unusual way.  I found her with her legs out but her arms still tightly swaddle.  She looked like she was strait jacket or something to that affect.

We spent the morning at DDGE and then took a nice long nap in the afternoon.  ;)  I haven't napped with Ella in a while but the weekend of activities finally caught up to me.  She's starting to exhibit signs of being a snuggle bunny because every time I hold her she eventually wakes up - as if she's telling me, hey get off of me I'm trying to sleep!  Oh wells.  She's still cute to sleep next to.

Video:  Ella loving the corner of the sofa.

Picture:  Ella's hair after her bath.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Monday - August 15, 2011

Can you believe it's mid-August already?  Where has the time gone by!  Ella is almost 4 months old and I just can't believe how big she's gotten.

Ella Now and Then:
Picture:  Ella as a newborn

Picture:  Ella now.

Morning Activities:  This morning I had the camera next to Ella's bed so I was able to capture her waking up.  She loves to stretch, smile and slowly get ready to wake up! 
Video:  Ella waking up

To my surprise, Ella gave me a dirty diaper this morning.  I taking care of the dogs, cleaning up the kitchen and getting the car packed - busy morning!  When I returned to check on Ella she was chilling.  But then I realized (more like I smelled) she was quiet because she was doing her business.  Sigh, it went up her front and got on her changing table.  At least it was perfect timing as I wanted to give her a bath.

Video:  Ella after her bath.

Afternoon/Evening Activities: We spent the rest of the afternoon at work, dropped off a bid at FedEx and then grocery shopping at the Nugget.  Ella gets a high five for being so good doing errands today.  ;)  When Brian got home, I went to Costco and he spent an hour watching her while doing his workout.  I'm happy to report that she didn't cry and she was pretty good with her daddy. 

Sunday - August 14, 2011

I love Ella.  She sleeps so good that I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night just to make sure she's breathing. ;)  Oh how we mom's worry about our babies.  After her morning diaper change and feeding, she talked herself back to falling asleep which allowed me time to get ready. 

Ella's First District Convention - Let thy Kingdom Come (Day 3)
I'm so glad its the last day as Ella is not in the best of moods to greet so many people.  She did a lot better than yesterday and seemed to be happier this morning. Probably because we found street parking and didn't have to deal with the garage ;) Ella slept through most the afternoon and I got to enjoy the drama with minimal interruptions.

Picture:  Ella + Matthew (New Baby Friends)  - They met at the changing table!

Picture:  Ella + Ella (5 Month old from Orangevale Congregation) + Nancy + Cortney

Video:  Ella sleeping through the DC

After the long weekend, it was so nice to go home and relax.  Ella must have known we were done because she was in such a good mood!

Video:  Ella talking & smiling while being held by Brian.

Saturday - August 13, 2011

Ella crashed last night (8:45pm to 6:45am) and she continues to do a second nap right after I change/fed her.  It's pretty cute because she turns to the side or sleeps with her hands up like an adult.

Ella's First District Convention - Let thy Kingdom Come (Day 2)
The morning drive was not pleasant as Ella cried - not a happy camper.  At least we found parking fast and got her out of the car seat ;)  I'm not sure if Ella didn't get enough sleep or wasn't feeling up to greeting people because she was grumpy the whole morning.

Picture:  Ella +Adriana, Annie, Samantha, Nicole

Picture:  Ella + Natalie + Mommy

Video:  Ella enjoying her teething toy.

During our lunch break, Brian's parents came to visit and saw Ella for a brief minute as Ella needed to be changed/fed.

Picture:  Ella + Daddy

Picture:  Ella + Grandparents (Thanks to Chris for Ella's beautiful purple dress)

We spent the evening unwinding and taking in everything that we learned. Boy we're we tired!  After Ella gave us a dirty diaper, we gave her a bath and she proceeded to fall asleep.