Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Whole Earth Festival

On Saturday, May 12th, we decided to join a few friends and attend the Whole Earth Festival held at UC Davis.  The festival was design to celebrate ecological sustainability through education, music, food, and art. Lets just say it was a perfect Davis event.  Ella slept through most of the event in her stroller (afternoon nap time!) so it was a enjoyable event for the most part.

Picture:  Ella wearing shorts for the first time (I think she likes it).

Picture:  Daddy carrying Ella around UC Davis. So cute! She's clinging on to his shirt.

Picture:  Daddy pushing Ella around and through the crowd.
Picture:  Ella after her nap (had to take off her shirt as it was soaked).

Picture:  Ella giving Olivia some love.

We spent the rest of the weekend relaxing and recovering from the heat.  I can't imagine how hot its going to be in the upcoming months.  I already feel sympathy for Brian who will have to deal with the heat and a very pregnant wife with a 1 year old.

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