Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Fig Newtons

Fig Newtons

We went to visit Great Grandpa Steele today as we haven't seen him in a couple of weeks.  Brian was able to join us while on his lunch break too. During the visit, grandpa offered us fig newtons as a delicious snack/dessert.  As I was eating my fig newton cookie, Ella pointed and signed for eat.  So we gave Ella her first taste at fig newton cookies.  Let's just say, like her Great Grandpa, Ella is a big fan.

Picture:  Ella devouring her fig newton cookie (May 22, 2012).

Video:  Ella eating her fig newton while sitting on daddy's lap (May 22, 2012).

Walking at Great Grandpa's house
During the first part of our visit, Ella enjoyed watching the birds from the window.  A few minutes later, she finally warmed up to Great Grandpa and showed him that she can walk!  She even gave him a kiss goodbye when we left.  Good job E!

Picture:  Ella looking out the window (she loves the birds).

Picture:  Ella walking towards and away from G-Grandpa.

Video:  Ella enjoying her visit with G-Grandpa.

Ella with Daddy and Great Grandpa

I can't believe she's 13 months to date!

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