Friday, May 18, 2012

2 Feet Bubble

Personal space has always been a very big thing to Ella.  In the past, she cringes when people get too close, she dislikes being carried by other people, and she prefers you not to hug or touch her.  These days, her two feet bubble is getting smaller and she's allowing more people to get close to her.  She even gives people hugs at times!  It's just too cute.  I love it when Ella shares the love BUT I also respect her personal bubble when she doesn't want to.  Lately, playing hard to get works great with Ella - ignore her and she comes crawling towards you.  Smothering and fussing over her does not go well with her.  She's going to be an independent girl like her mamma!

Video:  Ella runs away from Claire who tries to give her a hug.

Picture:  Ella giving Paige a big hug (May 9, 2012).

Picture:  Ella giving Daddy a big hug (May 11, 2012).

For an infant, she definitely knows what she likes, dislikes, wants and preferences.  It's hard as a parent to acknowledge the limitations of your infant and at the same time be patient to let them develop on their own pace. She finally gives daddy hugs when he comes home from work, gets excited to walk to him and gives him kisses (sometimes) when asks for it. Yay Ella!

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