Sunday, May 20, 2012


The weather was finally cool enough to go outside this past Thursday, May 17th, so we decided to brave the allergies and join a few friends at the Sacramento Zoo.  Ella took a nap for the first 45 minutes and was in a weird mood at first but came around when she saw her favorite zoo animal - giraffes.  I'm not sure if its because of how large they are, or possibly the fact that she has the best view of them since they are in an open field (vs. the other animals in their glass/cages). But over all, she got really excited and started signing for them to come to her as she does with our dogs. 

Pictures:  Ella feeding a giraffe for the first time (May 17, 2012).

Video:  Ella watching the giraffes (May 17, 2012).

After we fed the giraffes, we visited the monkeys and then had lunch at a nearby shaded bench with the group.  Ella started to warm up to Jack and Wyatt!  So darn cute watching her enjoy the wagon and being pushed around.

Pictures:  Ella having lunch in the wagon with Jack. Ella enjoying a wagon ride with Wyatt.

Video:  Ella loves riding the wagon with the other kids (May 17, 2012).

Good times are always had with good friends.

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