Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Hemoglobin and Lead Screening

During our 1 Year check up appointment, we were given a lab slip for Ella to have her Hemoglobin and Lead checked.  It was a little odd as two of the Pediatrics book I read (and read over and over again) said it would be done at the 9 month check up.  I didn't really care to look into as Ella slept good, was playful and didn't show any signs of being tired.

So, we went in on Friday, May 11th to get the screening done.  I thought it would be a simple poke in the finger test BUT it turned out the technician drew blood from her vein in her arm since she was 1 years old. (shock? yes, I was!).  Ella cried but recovered fast - good job E!

Picture:  Ella's arm after the visit with the lab. (May 11, 2012)

Results:  Hemoglobin is the oxygen-carrying pigment in the blood, the predominant protein in the red blood cells.  In the routine laboratory test for hemoglobin (Hb), it is usually measured as total hemoglobin and the result is expressed as the amount of hemoglobin in grams (gm) per deciliter (dl) of whole blood, a deciliter being 100 milliliters. Normal range for infants at 12 months is from 11.3 to 14.1.

Ella's results came back today at 12.9.  Woohoo! Good thing it came back normal because I was not going to put Ella through it again. 

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9 Month vs 1 Year screening:  Some pediatricians prefer (such as ours) to have the test done at 1 years old as the blood work is more accurate and conclusive.  Whereas when this screening is performed at 9 months, the infant has a simple poke and this does not give as accurate results.  It makes sense and acceptable unless the infant shows signs of low iron during the 6 month or 9 month check up.

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