Thursday, May 31, 2012

Kindergarten Graduation

Ella attended her first Kindergarten graduation ceremony (Congrats Gabriella and Paige!) this morning at Clarksburg Charter School. She loved watching the kids sing, clap and run around - especially around the playground.  I love how her personality is revealing itself each day and she's warming up to people too!

Picture:  Ella with Gabriella 

Picture:  Ella with Paige

Video:  Paige giving Ella her first puppy show (May 31, 2012).

When we got home, Ella learned a new method of walking around - by pushing a chair.  It was too funny to watch. ;)

Video:  Ella pushing a chair around the living room (May 31, 2012).

;)  Goodbye May.  Hello June!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Got Watermelon?

Seedless cold watermelon is so delicious during a nice hot summer day.

Ella spent the afternoon visiting with her grandparents yesterday and she had a nice time hanging by the pool, splashing, and playing with her balls.  Toward the end of the visit, we had watermelon and Great Grandpa got to spend a few minutes alone with Ella while feeding her watermelon.  Sat on his lap and patiently waited to eat - love it!  Too cute not to video tape and take pictures of!

Video:  Great Grandpa feeding Ella watermelon (May 28, 2012).

Pictures:  Ella loves sitting with Great Grandpa while he feeds her (May 28, 2012).


Monday, May 28, 2012

International Kids Festival

Favorite Video of the weekend:  Ella standing and dancing on her own.

International Kids Festival
The 8th annual International Kids Festival was held this past Saturday, May 26, 2012 at Williams Land Park.  We decided to take a family outing and checked it out.  I thought it would have more interesting things to see for Ella but I was disappointed as most of the fair involved soliciting business booths and random performances.  The highlight of our weekend would be walking around the garden and the pond.  Ella loved looking at the flowers and watching the ducks swim around in the pond. 

Pictures:  Daddy giving Ella a piggyback ride around the festival (May 26, 2012).

Pictures:  Daddy walking Ella around the garden (May 26, 2012).

Videos:  Daddy and Ella bonding time around the garden (May 26, 2012).

*  *  *  *  *
Vick's Ice Cream
We made a stop at Vick's Ice Cream parlor on our way home.  Can I say how much a fan Ella is of ice cream?  Brian gave her some of his mint chip ice cream and she kept signing for more.  It was entertaining when she started to feed herself the ice cream with her own hand.  I had to discipline her and (though it was so cute) tell her no.  Her initial response was this sad, teary eye look - as if I just took away her favorite toy she was playing with.  She does not like being discipline or being told no.  Smart little infant this one.

Picture:  Daddy feeding Ella mint ice cream

Video:  Daddy feeding Ella mint ice cream

Our time as a family is always the highlight of the weekend!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Hello Kitty

Mary came over for a visit yesterday and we had a great time on our walk, lunch, and a little play time.  I'm always surprise to who and when Ella is friendly to.  She greeted Mary with a smile, let her walk her around, let her carry her most of the walk to lunch and played nice for most of her visit.  Way to go Ella!  I love it when she's in a good mood with friends.

As Ella showed Mary her book collection, we came across the Hello Kitty Colors book I purchased from Costco.  I forgot how cool this book.  Growing up, having any Hello Kitty product was special and I realize I don't have any Hello Kitty products for Ella except this book and tea set.  Next stop, Sanrio to get Ella her first Hello Kitty doll. ;)

Pictures: Mary reading Ella Hello Kitty Colors (May 25, 2012).

Video:  Mary and Ella playing with her Hello Kitty tea set (thank you Claire and Tien).

Good times as always with Mary.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Splashes, Kicks and Laughs

Ella loves bath time especially now that she knows she only gets her hair washed when she showers with me.  She gets excited to see the bath tub get filled with water and doesn't mind spend 20 minutes splashing, kicking and laughing during her bath.  Yesterday, she started to do more entertaining things for me to watch. 

Videos of Ella enjoying her bath (May 23, 2012).
Ella learning she can squat and splash water at the same time.

Ella learning to make funny noises with the wall.

Ella concentrates and farts while playing in the bath tub.

Ella loves to play in the bath tub when its empty.


My baby can sign!

Baby signing can help alleviate stress for infants and toddlers who cannot express what they want verbally yet.  At least that's what all the hype is about.  We only wanted to teach Ella the basics (Eat, Milk, Diaper, Finish, etc.) so that she would be able to communicate her essential needs prior to her ability to talk.  A few months ago, I notice she understood when I signed to her and understood certain words as she would calm down or get excited.  But she didn't show any baby signs to respond to her needs yet.  All you can do is try and hope for the best.

To our surprise, she recently started to sign these past few weeks!

Video:  Ella signing for milk (May 11, 2012).

Video:  Ella signing for more (May 13, 2012).

Video:  Ella signing for dog. (May 23, 2012)

Video:  Ella signing for finish.

Video:  Ella signing for book. (May 23, 2012)

Much props to those parents who are able to teach their children sign and for continuing to do so throughout their toddler years.  It takes so much persistence, discipline and patience to sign every day when you get no results for months.  I really get annoyed by those people who believe that they and every other parent should teach their baby to sign.  There is no guarantee that your child will pick it up nor does it make you a bad parent if you chose not to do so.

For more information:
*I purchased an IPhone App to teach me baby sign and bought a few books.  The books didn't really do much as Ella only enjoyed looking at the pictures.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Fig Newtons

Fig Newtons

We went to visit Great Grandpa Steele today as we haven't seen him in a couple of weeks.  Brian was able to join us while on his lunch break too. During the visit, grandpa offered us fig newtons as a delicious snack/dessert.  As I was eating my fig newton cookie, Ella pointed and signed for eat.  So we gave Ella her first taste at fig newton cookies.  Let's just say, like her Great Grandpa, Ella is a big fan.

Picture:  Ella devouring her fig newton cookie (May 22, 2012).

Video:  Ella eating her fig newton while sitting on daddy's lap (May 22, 2012).

Walking at Great Grandpa's house
During the first part of our visit, Ella enjoyed watching the birds from the window.  A few minutes later, she finally warmed up to Great Grandpa and showed him that she can walk!  She even gave him a kiss goodbye when we left.  Good job E!

Picture:  Ella looking out the window (she loves the birds).

Picture:  Ella walking towards and away from G-Grandpa.

Video:  Ella enjoying her visit with G-Grandpa.

Ella with Daddy and Great Grandpa

I can't believe she's 13 months to date!

Hemoglobin and Lead Screening

During our 1 Year check up appointment, we were given a lab slip for Ella to have her Hemoglobin and Lead checked.  It was a little odd as two of the Pediatrics book I read (and read over and over again) said it would be done at the 9 month check up.  I didn't really care to look into as Ella slept good, was playful and didn't show any signs of being tired.

So, we went in on Friday, May 11th to get the screening done.  I thought it would be a simple poke in the finger test BUT it turned out the technician drew blood from her vein in her arm since she was 1 years old. (shock? yes, I was!).  Ella cried but recovered fast - good job E!

Picture:  Ella's arm after the visit with the lab. (May 11, 2012)

Results:  Hemoglobin is the oxygen-carrying pigment in the blood, the predominant protein in the red blood cells.  In the routine laboratory test for hemoglobin (Hb), it is usually measured as total hemoglobin and the result is expressed as the amount of hemoglobin in grams (gm) per deciliter (dl) of whole blood, a deciliter being 100 milliliters. Normal range for infants at 12 months is from 11.3 to 14.1.

Ella's results came back today at 12.9.  Woohoo! Good thing it came back normal because I was not going to put Ella through it again. 

*  *  *  *  *

9 Month vs 1 Year screening:  Some pediatricians prefer (such as ours) to have the test done at 1 years old as the blood work is more accurate and conclusive.  Whereas when this screening is performed at 9 months, the infant has a simple poke and this does not give as accurate results.  It makes sense and acceptable unless the infant shows signs of low iron during the 6 month or 9 month check up.

Sunday, May 20, 2012


The weather was finally cool enough to go outside this past Thursday, May 17th, so we decided to brave the allergies and join a few friends at the Sacramento Zoo.  Ella took a nap for the first 45 minutes and was in a weird mood at first but came around when she saw her favorite zoo animal - giraffes.  I'm not sure if its because of how large they are, or possibly the fact that she has the best view of them since they are in an open field (vs. the other animals in their glass/cages). But over all, she got really excited and started signing for them to come to her as she does with our dogs. 

Pictures:  Ella feeding a giraffe for the first time (May 17, 2012).

Video:  Ella watching the giraffes (May 17, 2012).

After we fed the giraffes, we visited the monkeys and then had lunch at a nearby shaded bench with the group.  Ella started to warm up to Jack and Wyatt!  So darn cute watching her enjoy the wagon and being pushed around.

Pictures:  Ella having lunch in the wagon with Jack. Ella enjoying a wagon ride with Wyatt.

Video:  Ella loves riding the wagon with the other kids (May 17, 2012).

Good times are always had with good friends.

Friday, May 18, 2012

2 Feet Bubble

Personal space has always been a very big thing to Ella.  In the past, she cringes when people get too close, she dislikes being carried by other people, and she prefers you not to hug or touch her.  These days, her two feet bubble is getting smaller and she's allowing more people to get close to her.  She even gives people hugs at times!  It's just too cute.  I love it when Ella shares the love BUT I also respect her personal bubble when she doesn't want to.  Lately, playing hard to get works great with Ella - ignore her and she comes crawling towards you.  Smothering and fussing over her does not go well with her.  She's going to be an independent girl like her mamma!

Video:  Ella runs away from Claire who tries to give her a hug.

Picture:  Ella giving Paige a big hug (May 9, 2012).

Picture:  Ella giving Daddy a big hug (May 11, 2012).

For an infant, she definitely knows what she likes, dislikes, wants and preferences.  It's hard as a parent to acknowledge the limitations of your infant and at the same time be patient to let them develop on their own pace. She finally gives daddy hugs when he comes home from work, gets excited to walk to him and gives him kisses (sometimes) when asks for it. Yay Ella!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Britax Blvd 70 CS Car Seat

Britax Boulevard 70 CS Convertible Car Seat 

After months of researching, cross-analysis, peer-reviews and safety checks, we decided on purchasing the Britax Boulevard 70 CS Convertible Car Seat.  It has great features and will grow with Ella as the years add on.  I think my favorite feature is how slim and compact it is yet provides Ella with protection that we are looking for. It's not bulky and fits great next to our infant car seat (which we will obviously need) but allowing for one passenger to sit in the back. 

Picture:  Ella's car seat arrives!  Testing it out before we put it in the CRV.

Video:  Ella loving her new view and her feet love it too! (May 12, 2012).

*  *  *  *  *

Current California Safety Laws:  Step 2-Forward-Facing Seats (with harness)
  • Convertible or combination seat.
  • Children must be at least one year of age and 20 pounds.
  • Children should remain in 5-point harness until they reach the top weight or height limit allowed.
Manufacturer Description:  
The Britax Boulevard 70 CS convertible car seat is designed for children rear facing from 5 to 40 pounds and forward facing from 1 year and 20 lbs up to 70 pounds. The Boulevard 70 CS achieves revolutionary head safety through the use of Britax SafeCell Technology, integrated steel bars, and versa-tether that work together to minimize head excursion and reduce the risk of head injury during a frontal impact. The Boulevard 70 CS also incorporates Britax True Side Impact Protection, a Click and Safe Snug Harness Indicator, and HUGS. An easy access cover and access to belt paths from the front of the seat make it easier to install. It is also equipped with a five-point, no-rethread and quick-adjust harness, multiple buckle and recline adjustments, and a body pillow for comfort.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Whole Earth Festival

On Saturday, May 12th, we decided to join a few friends and attend the Whole Earth Festival held at UC Davis.  The festival was design to celebrate ecological sustainability through education, music, food, and art. Lets just say it was a perfect Davis event.  Ella slept through most of the event in her stroller (afternoon nap time!) so it was a enjoyable event for the most part.

Picture:  Ella wearing shorts for the first time (I think she likes it).

Picture:  Daddy carrying Ella around UC Davis. So cute! She's clinging on to his shirt.

Picture:  Daddy pushing Ella around and through the crowd.
Picture:  Ella after her nap (had to take off her shirt as it was soaked).

Picture:  Ella giving Olivia some love.

We spent the rest of the weekend relaxing and recovering from the heat.  I can't imagine how hot its going to be in the upcoming months.  I already feel sympathy for Brian who will have to deal with the heat and a very pregnant wife with a 1 year old.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Attempts at walking again!

Almost a month has passed since Ella started to walk and then stopped (sigh. . . we were so close!).  I realize I am not the type of mother who wants to manipulate or bribe her infant to do something she is not ready for or shows no interest in.  Although it has been difficult to be patient and let her take the time she needs to develop physically and emotionally we're happy to say that she is showing interest in walking again!

Picture: Ella walking from Daddy to Mommy (May 9, 2012).

Video:  Ella walking, gets overconfident/excited and falls  (May 7, 2012).

Video:  Ella loves pushing her push-toy around (May 11, 2012).

Video:  Ella can stand still, clap, and then walk! Confident little booger. (May 11, 2012)

I was patient with her crawling milestone (despite the constant disapproval that she may not crawl and the annoying "you have to make sure she crawls" comments I received - - There is no evidence to support that by skipping crawling you hurt your child's mental/physical development.) It took her almost 10 months before she wanted to crawl so her wanting to walk again at 1 year and 2 weeks is awesome.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Asian Squat

Have you ever heard of the "Asian Squat"?  For those of you who aren't familiar with this term, the Asian squat is when you have both feet on the ground, butt touching ankles and knees spread wide.  It's pretty hard to balance but Ella must have picked it up somehow and loves to do it.

Video:  Ella does the Asian Squat while taking her bath (May 7, 2012).

Picture:  Ella doing the Asian Squat while taking her bath

Picture:  Ella doing the Asian Squat to pick up things

Picture: Ella doing the Asian Squat in a dress.

Other fun videos from this past week:
Video:  Ong visited Ella on May 2nd and Ella loved it.  (May 2, 2012).

Video: We had to let Ella sit in warm water to help with her diaper rash.  Oh man she couldn't stop playing in the sink (May 5, 2012).

Video:  Ella is starting to really love her sippy cup of milk. (May 7, 2012).

Video:  Ella and Daddy playing with hair ties (May 7, 2012).

Video:  Ella and Claire play with post it notes (May 8, 2012).

Video:  Ella and Daddy playing ball together (May 9, 2012).

Video:  Ella loves to toss her balls around (May 10, 2012).

Friday, May 4, 2012

One Year Check Up

The one Doctor appointment I've been dreading - Ella's one year check up.  Why?  In this series of immunization shots, Ella receives her first shot in the arms and two in the thighs.  As always, Ella does great and only cries for a couple of minutes afterwards. 

12 Month Milestone:
Date: Friday, May 4, 2012
Weight:  20 Pounds and 5 Ounces (45%)
Measurement:  29 7/8 Inches (75%)
Head Circumference:  18 1/4 Inches (80%)

I can't believe how big she's getting!