Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wednesday - July 20, 2011

Day 2 of waking up at 3:15am.  Sigh, I hope this doesn't happen again tonight.  I think its payback for taking her to work all weekend and not giving her enough playtime with me.  After our morning routine, we went to work.  Jacquelyn watched her today and I swear she loves her babysitters more.  Maybe they make more entertaining noises than I do. ;) 

Who has taken the funniest picture with Ella?  Joe Crummett.

Picture:  Ella + Joe

Video:  Ella playing in her bouncy at the Defty house.

We spent the afternoon playing, packing for LA, and catching up on reading until my dad's flight comes in.  Two more days until we go down to LA!

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