Saturday, July 30, 2011

Friday - July 29, 2011

Ella slept great last night (9:30pm to 7:00am).  I remember to record her waking up this time too!

Video:  Ella waking up, smiling, stretching, etc.

After her morning routine, she played for a little bit before she took her morning nap.  Slept a good two hours before we went to work.  ;)  She did pretty well on the drive especially since I had to turn around when I realize I forgot the diaper bag ;(

Ella spent a few hours with her grandparents while I got a few errands done for the weekend festivities in SF. I have not shopped in months and feel very out of tune on what's consider in.  There were a few outfits I really wanted to get but I restrained myself as I have to get back into shape before I can go shopping.  It's my only motivation to get this pregnancy weight off!

Picture:  Ella + Nana Steele

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