Saturday, July 30, 2011

Friday - July 29, 2011

Ella slept great last night (9:30pm to 7:00am).  I remember to record her waking up this time too!

Video:  Ella waking up, smiling, stretching, etc.

After her morning routine, she played for a little bit before she took her morning nap.  Slept a good two hours before we went to work.  ;)  She did pretty well on the drive especially since I had to turn around when I realize I forgot the diaper bag ;(

Ella spent a few hours with her grandparents while I got a few errands done for the weekend festivities in SF. I have not shopped in months and feel very out of tune on what's consider in.  There were a few outfits I really wanted to get but I restrained myself as I have to get back into shape before I can go shopping.  It's my only motivation to get this pregnancy weight off!

Picture:  Ella + Nana Steele

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Thursday - July 28, 2011

Two nights in a row....9:30pm to 7am.  It amazes me how I only wake up to the sound of her sucking her hand.  I need to video tape her morning smile as its way too precious to not see!

Morning @ DDGE - She cried a few minutes on the drive to work but she eventually caved in and fell asleep. I hate hearing her cry.  It was a little strange in the afternoon as her cries sounded like she was in pain or scared ;(  Poor thing.  I think it was mostly due to her wanting to nap and couldn't.  BUT she did nap the whole way home.  Woohoo!

Picture:  Ella getting ready to nap at the Defty House (Leslie did a great job swaddling her!)

Bath Time Picture:  Ella didn't do too bad today.  Cried a little towards the end when I washed her hair.  At least she's not screaming in horror.  Her hair got nice and big.

Video:  Ella talking ;)

Video:  Ella walking and jumping on daddy.

Wednesday - July 27, 2011

Who wants to congratulate Ella for being the best sleeping baby? Me!  She slept from 8pm to 6am.  Crazy, right?  Especially since she took so many naps during day.  My little girl is such a rockstar when it comes to sleeping.

I love going to Nugget - they serve free samples like Costco.  Ella got compliments on her hair and one clerk said she was so cute he could bite her (please don't).  ;)  After going grocery shopping we visited Nora and then had a play date with Claire.  It's so much fun having play dates and sharing baby stories.

Pictures:  Ella and Claire.  I forgot my camera so I could only take pictures with my phone.  You can see how Ella is very chill while Claire is an active one!

Picture:  Ella & Claire holding hands.

Picture:  Ella loving her new swing. 

Video:  Ella sleeping.

Tuesday - July 26, 2011

Who loves to sleep?  Ella.  She fell asleep on the plane (around 8:30ish) and continued to sleep until about 4:45am.    We loved being home!

Didn't do much today besides laundry, house chores and catching up on errands.  Ella spent most of the day sleeping.  ;)  The only highlight of the day was that Ella didn't scream during her bath (only a few tears here and there).

Picture:  Ella sleeping after her bath.

Picture:  Ella wearing a bib (she drools way too much!)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Monday - July 25, 2011

Ella slept great last night (8:30pm to 4:30am).  After I changed/fed her, I put her down next to me and she fell asleep on her own.  I woke up next to a cute sleeping baby who's arms were up just like me. ;)

Ella's Adventure in Los Angeles - Day 4 
We spent most of the day just hanging around and relaxing.  Besides her usual nap, feeding and diaper change, it was just another day for Ella.  She did take a long nap which allowed us to play another game of Settlers!  After my mom gave Ella her bath we got her dressed for her trip back home.
Picture:  Ella with Uncle Hieu, Uncle Johnston & Uncle Alex

Picture:  Ella with Grandma (my mom loved giving her a bath despite her crying)

Video:  Ella with Uncle Hieu, Uncle Johnston, & Grandma

Airplane Ride:
Ella behaved at the airport (2 hour wait too) and on the plane.  The people around us were nice and told us how she was a good baby ;)  She made a few whimpers here and there but overall she was a rockstar on the plane.  Oh, and we had to change her diaper on the plane and I am happy to say that it's not as bad as I thought.  Though small, it was still very practical.  The baby changing table folds above the toilet and since its so tiny there's no room for the baby to fall.  The vibration of the plane helped entertain Ella too.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Sunday - July 24, 2011

Ella didn't sleep that great last night (9:30pm to 2:30am, 3:00am to 5:00am).  I'm not sure if it's because of all the visitors and her being woken up instead of her waking up on her own.  Whatever the reason, I hope she sleeps better tonight because I was so tired this morning.

Ella's Adventure in Los Angeles - Day 3
Ella spent most of her morning with her grandparents as I tried to get more sleep.  She now enjoys watching your hands open and close, putting your face close enough where her hands can touch it, and kicking her feet when she is very excited.  It's fun watching her enjoy her extended family ;) 

We took Ella's 3 month photos this morning in her yellow dress.  Can't wait to print them!

Picture:  Ella + Mommy

Picture:  Ella + Auntie Mayelle

After we went to dinner at Tim's Thai place, Ella spent a couple hours playing with her grandparents while we kids spent the rest of the evening playing Munchkin, Settlers, and watching Life as it Happens. 

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Saturday - July 23, 2011

Ella slept through the night in LA  ;)  8:45pm to 5:45am.  Which allowed me to go watch a movie with my siblings!  We went to Gold Class Cinemas in Old Town Pasadena - lazy boy recliners, full service menu, blanket/pillow and you have a button if you need that's the way to watch a movie.

Ella's Adventure in Los Angeles - Day 2
We spent most of the morning playing and taking naps.  She must be going through a growing spurt because she slept alot! Ella is using her tongue more and making the cutest funny faces!  I can't stop looking at how cute she is with her tongue sticking out.

Uncle Mike learned how to change a wet diaper today - good job Uncle Mike.  Tomorrow, we're going to have him change Ella's dirty diaper ;)
Video:  Uncle Mike changing Ella's diaper.

In the afternoon, Ella's Grandma gave her a bath and she was ready to great all of her extended family.  Although she's not use to this much attention, she behaved for most of the visit and allowed everyone to carry her.

Picture:  Ella + Uncle Mike + Uncle Johnston + Uncle Alex

Picture:  Ella + Uncle Mike

Picture:  Ella + Mommy

Picture:  Ella + Mommy + Great Grandma + Great Grandpa

Picture:  Ella + Great Grandpa

Picture:  Ella + Great Uncle Hoa

Picture:  Ella + Great Auntie and Uncle

Picture:  Ella + Great Auntie Lily

Friday - July 22, 2011

Ella is officially 3 months!  She slept wonderfully last night (9:30pm to 5:45am).  I woke up to the sound of my dad talking and playing with Ella.  After we changed/fed her, she played and even slept on the car ride to the airport. Traveling with a baby is a whole new adventure and requires patience and going to the airport early.

First Moment:  Traveling on the plane.  If you haven't traveled with kids before, here are a few tips I learned today:
  1. Children fly free until the age of 2.
  2. Get to the airport at least two hours prior so that you have time to check in your baggage, security, bathroom break, and relax before the plane ride.
  3. You cannot reserve her plane ticket when you purchase your ticket.  On the day of your travel, you have to check in and present her birth certificate (show proof that she is under 2) at the ticket counter.  They will then give you your child's plane ticket.
  4. Remember to bring your child's car seat.
  5. Check all luggage except your diaper bag and stroller (or car seat).
  6. Prior to boarding, the attendant will tag your stroller and/or car seat for you.  You will leave it at the entrance of the door.  When you get off the plane, it will be at the entrance waiting for you.
  7. If the plane is empty, your child can have a seat.  If its a full flight, the child must sit on your lap unless you paid for a seat.

Picture:  Ella waiting to board

Picture:  Ella on the plane

Video:  Ella on the plane

Ella's Adventure in Los Angeles - Day 1
Ella spent the morning playing with my mom and brothers.  By far, Ella enjoyed her Uncle Hieu the most - he made laugh, giggle and smile.  It was just too cute!

Video:  Ella + Uncle Hieu

Picture:  Ba Ngoai giving Ella a bath

Picture:  Ella with Ruby and Hieu

Picture:  Ella and Ba Ngoai

Video:  Ella's new toys

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thursday - July 21, 2011

Good morning!  Ella slept from 10ish to 5:15am last night (woohoo!).  I woke up to the sound of her trying to suck her hand through her blanket.  I think I will wait until she cries to be feed next time and see how long she chills in her crib.

Morning Activities:  My dad excitedly greeted Ella this morning and she loved the attention.  After her morning play time, she took a nice long morning nap.

Video:  Ella + Ong Ngoai (Vietnamese for Grandfather on mother's side) + bouncy

Afternoon Activities:  My dad watched Ella while I went to work for a few hours.  When I came back, Ella just woke up and was playing on her mat with dad.

Video:  Ella + Ong Ngoai playing on the mat

Picture:  Ella + Ong Ngoai

I'm now taking over bath times and hoping to get Ella to enjoy her baths again.  She seemed to hate her bath but at least she was screaming.  It was so sad, she teared up during her bath a few times.  ;(

Picture:  Ella + Mommy

Ella's first plane ride tomorrow....yikes!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wednesday - July 20, 2011

Day 2 of waking up at 3:15am.  Sigh, I hope this doesn't happen again tonight.  I think its payback for taking her to work all weekend and not giving her enough playtime with me.  After our morning routine, we went to work.  Jacquelyn watched her today and I swear she loves her babysitters more.  Maybe they make more entertaining noises than I do. ;) 

Who has taken the funniest picture with Ella?  Joe Crummett.

Picture:  Ella + Joe

Video:  Ella playing in her bouncy at the Defty house.

We spent the afternoon playing, packing for LA, and catching up on reading until my dad's flight comes in.  Two more days until we go down to LA!

Tuesday - July 19, 2011

Happy Tuesday!  Ella woke up at 3:30am (sigh) and I hope that was just a fluke.  Please let it be a fluke.  ack!!!  Spent an hour changing, feeding, and putting her back to sleep.  On top of that, Claire started barking at 6am. 

Ella was wonderful today at work and at meeting.  Barely cried and got a few good naps throughout the day. She used her voice during meeting today - yikes!  I saw heads turn and was horrified.  But after a few cries in the bathroom, she passed out and life was good.  ;)

Picture:  Ella + Joan

Picture:  Ella + Janet

Picture:  Ella sucking her thumb at meeting.

Note to self:  Do not give Ella a bath when she's hungry and sleepy.  It does not allow for a pleasant bath time experience.

Monday - July 18, 2011

Went to work today and Ella did great the whole time.  EXCEPT the car ride home was miserable.  Poor thing, she couldn't fall asleep and she was not happy about being in strapped down in her car seat. 

Evening Activities:  Ella is getting so much better at sitting up (with the help of the boppy pillow).  She enjoys sitting facing outward now and I think her eyes are getting better as she follows people, toys, etc.

Video:  Ella sitting up - talking and smiling

Pictures:  Ella sitting up

Sunday - July 17, 2011

Day 2 of events at the Defty Ranch went by smoothly this morning and we came home in time for meeting.

Video:  Morning playtime in her crib.

Afternoon Activities:   When we got home, we tested out Ella's new swing - totally loves it!  It is such a cool swing - plays music, has a mobile toy include, a mirror, and lots of different swing speeds.  Before we gave Ella a bath, we took pictures of her and Brian.  As I went to grab the camera, Ella proceed to go to the bathroom on Brian's shoe.  If you take a close look at the picture, you'll see her pee!
Video:  Ella Playing in her new swing (thank you to the Shaw's!)

Picture:  Ella in her new swing.

Picture:  Ella going to the bathroom on Brian's shoes.

Ella slept through the entire meeting!  Woohoo!  After meeting, we went to Sasha and Tyrone's goodbye dinner.  Dinner took forever to be served!  I was hoping that Ella would sleep through the entire dinner but she woke up when the food was finally coming out.  Sigh.  At least she didn't cry and she did good sitting in her car seat. ;)

Picture:  Ella + Mrs. Cunning

Saturday - July 16, 2011

The whole day was busy busy busy at the Defty Ranch.  While I helped out at the event, there was an army of girls watching Ella (taking shifts!).  It was so cute watching them all play with her.  Ella already has so many future friends to follow around!

Video:  Ella + Lauren

Video:  Ella + Krissy

Picture:  Ella + Friends

Evening Activities:  Ella slept the whole car ride home (woohoo!).  After a few minutes of play time with Brian, Ella passed out for the evening.

Picture:  Ella + Daddy