Friday, September 16, 2011

Thursday - September 15, 2011

Ella slept good last night (9:30pm to 6:30am) though she did wake up at about 10:30ish and seemed fussy or hungry.  I ended up feeding her one more time and she then proceeded to pass out.  ;)

Morning & Afternoon Activities:  Ella is so much fun in the morning.  I love waking up to the sound of her talking and sucking on her hand.  She has been doing awesome on the car rides now - talking, observing the view and napping.  I haven't had her fuss in the car since we got back from vacation! Ella slept a good hour from 11-12pm but didn't do too good on her long afternoon nap. She only slept for 15 minutes and then woke up ;(  She played the whole afternoon and fell asleep on the car ride home.

Evening Activities:  After we dropped off Leslie, we went to Trader Joe's and Goore's for a couple of errands.  The traffic was horrible so we couldn't do our errand at Costco. Diapers at Costco are on sale ($6 off) so we have to jump on that soon!  After our errands, we met Brian at his parents house for dinner.  Ella did good for the majority of the dinner - we ate outside which gave Ella a lot of interesting things to observe.

Video:  Ella with Grandpa

Picture:  Ella and Nana

Picture:  Ella and Grandpa

Ella slept on the whole car ride home.  She was wide awake when we got home so she played, gave us a dirty diaper, and finally went to bed at 10:20pm. 

Ella:  Looking like a monkey?

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