Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sunday - September 4, 2011

Day 3 of Ella's First Trip to Hawaii:
Brian, Jason and Alicia got back from the UH game about 10ish or 11ish?  I don't remember. Ack!  But Ella wanted to greet them so she woke up and got to spend some quality time with her Uncle Jason.
Video:  Ella with Uncle Jason

Pictures:  Ella and Uncle Jason

After everyone left and I put Ella back down for bed, she woke up at 2:30 and after I fed/change her I brought her back into bed with me. She continues to wake up every 2 hours or so, I fed her and she falls right back to sleep. I'm slowly starting to worry that I messed up her awesome sleep schedule. ;(

Morning Activities:  We got up early to study our watch tower, have breakfast with Grandma Choi and get dressed for meeting. We got to see Auntie June (Uncle Williams mom) as we entered into the wrong Kingdom hall. ;) we got to visit with Uncle William and Aunt Jeanie, Janet and Vicky, etc. It was nice to sit with Grandma Choi and visit with all the loving friends.  She has a very warm congregation.

Afternoon Activities:  After meeting, we came home and got ready for our 2nd trip to the beach with Ella.  This time we left prepared - big sturdy umbrella, two beach chairs, blankets, cooler, and snacks.  On the way to the beach, we had lunch at a popular shrimp truck stop.  ;)

On the way to North Shore, the traffic was awful so we decided to go to a local beach - just found one driving around the neighborhood.  Found a nice cozy spot and plotted ourselves down.  I took Ella into the water this time and she continues to dislike it.  Though I can't blame her as it was super windy and the water was chilly!

On our way home, we stopped to have shave ice. Yum!  Brian saw a cute picture moment for Ella so if you look closely - guess who it is?

Evening Activities:  We met the family for a buffet dinner at Kahala Hotel (where you can swim with dolphins!)   It was so nice to have everyone together - Uncle William & Aunt Jeanie, Uncle Art & Aunt Kathi, Aunt Yidora , Jason & Alicia, Grandma Choi, and Taylor.  It was a lovely dinner.

We had a special treat at the end of the night - - Taylor spent the night with us ;)  Taylor and I shared the bed while Brian slept next to Ella in the other room (he was scared that Taylor was going to kick him in her sleep).

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