Sunday, September 11, 2011

Saturday - September 3, 2011

Day 2 of Ella's First Trip to Hawaii:
Ella woke up at 3ish this morning and I ended up taking her to bed with me. I love sleeping with her - it's like snuggling with a puppy! She continues to try to maintain her California schedule but our activities are not helping her.  Hopefully this doesn't mess up her awesome sleep routine when we get back to California.

Video:  Ella waking up in Hawaii!

Morning Activities:  As we patiently waited for the arrival of Taylor and Aunt Yidora - - we had a couple special surprise visitors.  Grandma Choi's friends came by to visitor her and see how she was doing.  Aunt Jane brought us delicious avocados ;)

Picture:  Ella with Aunt Jane (William's Mother)

Taylor and Aunt Yidora arrived and Ella was very excited to meet them.  We changed Ella into a cute Hawaiian outfit (thanks to Jason and Alicia) before they arrived and got some cute pictures of Taylor and Aunt Yidora with Ella.

Video:  Ella with her Auntie Taylor and Great Aunt Yidora


Afternoon Activities:  What does one do in Hawaii?  Beach Time!  Brian's goal was to go to the beach every day so here's to day one of taking Ella to the beach.  No surprise here - Ella did not like the water.  It was way to cold for her and she did not enjoy the heat.  We learned our lesson - bring a good umbrella, chairs, and more sunblock.  Taylor and Brian did have fun in the water as Ella and I hid underneath the small umbrella. 

Videos:  Ella at the Beach (North Shore)

Pictures: Taylor making funny faces

Evening Activities:  We returned home in time for Jason and Alicia to pick up Brian for the UH football game.  While Brian enjoyed the evening game, Ella enjoyed an afternoon with Aunt Yidora.  Grandma Choi, Taylor and I went on a mission to get my bridesmaid dress altered.  1.5 hours later we returned to Ella passed out on Aunt Yidora's lap (funny stuff - I have never scene her sleep in that position before).

Picture:  Came back with Ella passed out on Auntie.

Video:  Ella with Great Auntie Yidora

Picture: Ella and Taylor

Grandma Choi and I spent the rest of the evening relaxing after Ella went to bed ;)

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