Friday, September 30, 2011

Thursday - September 29, 2011

Day 4: Ella's 3rd Trip to Los Angeles
Ella slept wonderful last night.  She didn't wake up at all - I had her sleep on the other end (away from the window) and I slept on the very edge so that she couldn't smell me.  ;)

Ella spent the morning with her grandma while I went over to Michael's place to tidy up for him before they get discharged from the hospital.  I got back about 10am and it was perfect timing as Ella was just waking up from her morning nap.  She did great with grandma, played, eat her rice cereal, and slept.  What a good girl.

Video:  Ella in her car seat

Ella took her first trip to Chinatown.  All the grandma's in chinatown couldn't stop commenting on her beautiful Ella was and how her hair was great.  Ella just smiles and gives this "I know my hair rocks" smerk.  We picked up a Korean dress, Chinese dress, and Vietnamese dress for Ella's six month photos.

On the way to the hospital, we picked up dim sum for lunch.  We didn't get to see Mikayla as she had jaundice and had to stay underneath the heating lamp. Michael's beard seems to scare Ella so we try to keep him a distance.  We got her to smile while Michael was holding her.  ;)
Picture:  Ella with Uncle Mike

When we got home, Ella napped while I packed our bags, ate dinner and then took off to Ontario Airport to return home.  Ella played with her Uncle Johnston (fell asleep on him too!) and with her grandma for the last time.
Picture:  Ella looks like a toddler napping

Picture:  Ella with Uncle Johnston

Video:  Ella playing with Grandma

Ella is such a rock star when it comes to traveling.  She sat on the lounge chair and played while we waited for the plane to arrive.  The plane ride was smooth as Ella slept and didn't cry during the entire flight.

Video:  Ella playing in the waiting area

Wednesday - September 28, 2011

Day 3:  Ella's 3rd Trip to Los Angeles
We spent the morning cleaning the house while waiting for Johnston to return from Midas (being in LA without a car is very unproductive). 

Picture:  Ella first thing in the morning
About 11am we were finally able to get a few errands done for Michael and Mayelle.  Went to Marshalls, Costco, Michael's place, Target and Wendy's - Ella did awesome during the entire 4 hours of errands.  We got to the hospital about 2pm and got to see Mikayla again.

Picture:  Ella with Uncle Johnston at Target

Picture:  Ella with Mikayla and Mayelle

Picture:  Ella with Uncle Mike (not crying)

We left the hospital about 5pm and spent the evening playing with Ella's grandparents.  Ella enjoyed being fed by her grandma and playing with her grandpa.

Video:  Ella eating rice cereal with Grandma

Video:  Ella playing with Grandpa Frank

Picture:  Ella with grandma and grandpa

Picture: Ella enjoying her feet

Tuesday - September 27, 2011

Day 2:  Ella's 3rd Trip to Los Angeles
Ella has a new baby cousin!  Mikayla Lynelle Corpus-Nguyen was born on September 27, 2011 at 5:18am weighing 7 pounds and 15 ounces, 20 inches in length.

Picture:  Ella greeting her new cousin Mikayla.

Video:  Ella with Baby Mikayla

We spent most of the day at the hospital and enjoyed watching all of the visitors greeting baby Mikayla.  She is such a beautiful baby.

We got home about 6pm, had dinner with the family and then prepared Ella's rice cereal.  My mom enjoyed feeding her for the first time and Ella gulped it up!
Video:  Ella being fed her rice cereal for the first time by her Grandma

Monday - September 26, 2011

We had a real treat today - Ella spent the morning at the Katsumata's (thank you Jisato for babysitting!) house while I went to see Brian for two cavities.  Good times I tell you.  When I went to pick up Ella, Jisato just finished feeding her rice cereal and got her down for a nap.  I felt bad for taking her when she was in such a good mood and could have stayed longer!

Ella spent the afternoon playing, sitting up, and drooling.  At one point, she's learned to flip over after she falls faced forward.  If you watch the video, towards the end she performs her new skill.

Video:  Ella practicing falling. 

We took a nice long stroll to the grocery store to pick up ingredients for Mexican tortilla soup.  ;)  I have to admit, taking a stroller is awesome.  Was able to put everything in the stroller's basket with ease.

Picture:  Ella in her stroller (walking to the grocery store)

On the way home, we got a surprise text from Michael that Mayelle went into labor.  We rushed home, packed our bags and took the next flight out to LA.  We initially were excited to catch the 7:55pm flight (instead of the 8:50pm flight) but were terribly disappointed.  The flight was delayed, by the time we boarded and started to take off the Captain stopped us and notified us that there was a mechanical problem and we had to de-board.  They put us on a new plane and we didn't take off until 9:35pm.  Sigh.

Day 1: Ella's 3rd Trip to Los Angeles
We happily arrived at 10:30pm and Ella was greeted by her uncles and grandparents.  She did pretty good for the first hour and then passed out.  The only problem with traveling is how Ella wakes up throughout the night to eat.  I'm not sure if its because I'm sleeping right next to her or she's not use to the bed?  One can only guess.

Picture:  Ella with Uncle Alex and Uncle Johnston

Sunday - September 25, 2011

Brian returned home late last night so he could give Ella a kiss as she was already in bed.  Ella woke up about 7:30am and I brought her back into bed with us.  We all slept in until 9:30am and then decided to take a walk to the Eatery for brunch.  Ella did great in the stroller and even took her pacifier. We sat outside which allowed Ella to stay quiet for the entire meal (she watched the clouds go by).

Picture:  Ella in her stroller with her pacifier.

We came home, study our watch tower, fed Ella her rice cereal and then took a nap before meeting.

Video:  Ella sucking her thumb.

Picture:  Ella sucking her thumb.

Picture:  Ella with daddy watching football

After meeting, we spent the rest of the night relaxing at home.

Saturday - September 24, 2011

Ella and I are on our today as Brian in SF for a continuing education class.  We spent the day organizing Ella's clothes (put away her 0-3, 3-6 months clothes) and re-did her dresser for 6-9 months and 9-12 months.  It's crazy how big she is - - she's our giant.

Introducing Ella to her play pen.  Ella seems to enjoy her new surroundings and isn't freaking out which is nice. It was suggested to introduce the play pen at an early age so that the child enjoys being in it.


Ella's rice cereal adventure continues and we're increasing her serving as each week progresses.  ;)  I'm looking forward to veggies, fruits and meats!

Video:  Ella enjoying her rice cereal

Ella is starting to teeth or at least chew really hard so I'm trying to get her use to her pacifier again.  There are days where she loves it and of course days where she rather chew her hand off.

Video:  Ella enjoying her pacifier

Monday, September 26, 2011

Friday - September 23, 2011

Happy Friday!  Ella slept from 9pm to 7:20am last night.  Woohoo! She must be waking up starving because I no longer wake up to the sound of her cooing or talking, I wake up to a slight "I'm hungry, come get me now" cry.  What's funny is she gets mad if I take my time (i.e. change her diaper first or get the nursing pillow). 

Morning & Afternoon Activities:  We left the house a little after 8am and Ella slept for most of the drive (morning naps are great).  Ella played for the first 1.5 hours with Leslie and then we fed her rice cereal.  Leslie did great for her first trial at feeding Ella.   She didn't finish all of her food but that was mostly due to her desire to sleep.  She slept from 11am to 12:40pm ;) and again from 2pm to 2:20pm. Played with Leslie for the rest of the afternoon.

Evening Activities:  We left work about 4:00pm and got Ella home at 5pm.  She helped me wash the sheets, put the clothes away, wash her dishes, and make the bed.  Ella is going to be my awesome little helper when she gets older.  Mary came over for dinner and we got to try the new restaurant in West Sacramento called the Eatery.  Delicious! 

Picture:  Ella and Mary

Picture:  Ella chilling in her stroller @ The Eatery in West Sacramento

Pictures:  Ella vs. Dessert

Instead of driving down the street, we decided to walk and take Ella in the stroller.  Ella was fussy as she was sleepy so we carried her half-way and she then fell asleep in her stroller.  She did great during dinner (slept during the wait and for the first 15 minutes of dinner, sat on my lap for the rest of the night).  It was past Ella's bedtime so we took dessert to go and finished dinner at home.  ;)

Picture:  Mary putting Ella to sleep

Friday, September 23, 2011

Thursday - September 22, 2011

Ella slept great last night (even though she went to bed late).  She woke up this morning about 7:30am and found herself entertained by her Grandpa Frank for a couple of hours.

Morning Activities:  We fed Ella rice cereal earlier today to see if that will help with her afternoon nap (it did not).  She was a little fussy while she was eating as she was overdue for her morning nap.  At one point, she was eating while her eyes were closed.  ;)  Funny stuff.  Dad went to Brian's office for his dental work while we went to DDGE.

Video:  Ella with Grandpa Frank

Ella did great on the car ride - slept through most of it.  Amber watched her today and she did great with Ella - - even got her to take a long morning nap. No crying or fuss  ;) so hurray for Amber!  An awesome babysitter is one who can calm Ella down and not let her cry to the point where she is mad.  We'll be using her again.

Afternoon Activities:  We left work about 1pm and got Ella home in time to play with her Grandpa Frank.  She continues to skip her long afternoon naps.

Video:  Grandpa Frank and Ella (reading)

Video:  Ella playing with her blocks

Ella's First - Sitting Up (without any support)
Milestone Moment:  Ella was playing with her soft blocks and I notice that she was doing well sitting up.  So we tried something new and she sat up without any support (I think she was trying to impress her Grandpa while he was visiting). I can't believe she is sitting up and balancing herself.  ;)

Video:  Ella sitting up for the first time

Evening Activities:  We made a trip out to Elk Grove to visit relatives and then met up at Michelangelo's for dinner with Brian's folks (Thank you to Great Grandpa Steele for treating us).  Ella sat in her car seat for most of dinner which allowed me to eat with both hands (awesome!).  I'm trying to get her use to sitting in her car seat more so that dinner outings are more enjoyable for everyone.  Tonight was a success!

Picture:  Ella with her great uncle and auntie

Video:  Great Auntie is holding Ella.

Picture:  Ella with her grandparents (missing her Grandma Ngoc)

Picture:  Ella sitting in her car seat during dinner.

We got home about 8pm, gave Ella a bath and put her down for the night. Poor thing, she was tired.

Wednesday - September 21, 2011

Happy hump day.  I regret my decision to bring Ella to bed with us last night.  She fell asleep about 9:30ish but kept waking up every 30-45 minutes.  After waking up for the third time, I laid her next to me and she fell asleep to Brian reading his economy book out loud.  She woke up every 2-3 hours to eat (I think she smelled milk and instantly was hungry!).  Sigh, I put her back into her crib about 3:45am, she fell asleep instantly and without being swaddle.  She woke up a couple of times (a cry) but fell back to sleep on her own.  About 7:30ish, I woke up to her complaining to be fed. To my surprise, she turned herself 180 degrees. She's a funny one.

Morning Activities:  Ella did great on the car ride to work.  Poor Leslie, she had to carry Ella during her second morning nap as she kept waking up on every attempt of putting her down. We left about 11:50pm, got home had lunch with Brian and then prepared Ella's rice cereal.  Brian was a rockstar today ;)  He fed Ella her entire bowl of rice cereal (1 Tablespoon + 1.5 ounces of breast milk). 

Video:  Ella enjoying rice cereal - Brian feeding her.

Picture:  Ella and Daddy

Afternoon Activities:   About an hour later, I fed her again (I will increase her rice cereal tomorrow) and she went down for her afternoon nap about 2:45pm to 3:20pm. Sigh, another afternoon without a long afternoon nap.  We played, changed her dirty diaper, and played some more.  Ella now attempts to put her feet in her mouth.  ;)

Picture:  Ella and giraffe sleeping in her swing

Picture:  Ella's Tummy Time

Video:  Ella trying to suck on her toes (on the changing table)

Evening Activities:  After our family study, we decided to watch a movie at the theaters.  ;)  Ella slept through some of it but for the most part she sat on my lap and played or we walked around the hall way.  We picked up a few Vietnamese sandwiches to go and then picked up Grandpa Frank from the airport. Ella fell asleep about 10:20pm and didn't wake up! So hurray!

Video:  Ella playing with her blocks before the movies.

Picture:  Ella and Brian sitting at Wayside Noodles (waiting for our sandwiches)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tuesday - September 20, 2011

Ella woke up about 6:30am this morning which was great because we had a busy day planned.

Morning Activities:  After we fed the dogs, prepared Brian's breakfast shake and lunch, and tidy up the house, Ella and I drove into work (no Leslie as she had to meet her teacher).  Ella slept the whole way there which helped her mood at work. She was happy and played for the first hour and half.  About 10ish, she was starting to get crank (ready for her second morning nap) so we decided to take our work home.

Video:  Ella playing in her bouncy while mommy works.

Picture:  Ella happily swinging away

We made a quick surprise visit to Mary's house.  I don't remember the last time Ella got to see Mary.  Ella helped Mary on her work project.

Picture:  Ella and Mary

Afternoon Activities:  We got home about 11:30am, had lunch, took care of the dogs and then prepared Ella's rice cereal.  I started to pump again (for fear that I may dry up!) and I think I have a good routine down now.  Ella ate a full tablespoon of rice cereal mixed with 1.5 ounces of breast milk. She did great!  Though she did not want to take her afternoon nap.  She napped for about 45 minutes (12:45pm to 1:30pm) before she woke up.  ;(  She tried to nap again from 3:00pm to3:45pm.  Sigh. So she played on her play mat, listened to Vietnamese music, and then did some tummy time.

Video:  Ella and Rice Cereal

Video:  Ella playing on her play mat - talking. grabbing toys, and smiles.

Video:  Ella listening to Vietnamese music.

Evening Activities:  Though she didn't get her afternoon nap, she did pretty well at meeting.  We got their early enough to play with the friends.  Ella enjoyed her time with the kids (Jenna, Little Ray, Gabriella, Samantha, Annie, and Savanna got to hold her - though I missed a couple of pictures).  Cynthia by far makes the most effort to making Ella laugh (playing peekaboo and all).  Love it!

Video:  Ella with Capitol hall friends.

Picture:  Ella chilling in her bouncy.

Picture:  Ella and Jenna

Picture:  Ella and Little Ray

Picture:  Ella and Malcolm

Picture:  Ella and Adriana