Sunday, August 26, 2012

My first pony ride

We went to Funderland on August 16th with Alicia and her twin boys Andrew and Cameron.  What I did not notice in our prior trip was the pony ride business next door.  After we went on a few rides, we decided to check out the pony and see if the kids would be interested.

At first, Ella was scared but toward the end she wanted to go again. It was so cute to watch her pet the pony and want to give the pony a hug.
Picture:  Ella's first pony ride (August 16, 2012).

Before we went to Funderland, we met with Tien and Claire at Costco.  Ella and Claire shared their first cart ride!  They both had a good time sitting next to each other.

Pictures:  Ella and Claire sitting together at Costco (August 16, 2012).

Life is good.

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