Sunday, August 26, 2012

Kisses for baby brother

It took only one day before Ella fell in love with her baby brother.  She didn't really understand what he was or who he was but she does now! 
The first time she saw me hold and nurse baby William she instantly signed for finish and wanted him off.  Pretty cute to watch her be protective (same reaction when Brian would try to put his arm around me or give me a hug).  But now she's willing to give him a kiss, take a ride in her stroller and give him her stuff animals.

Video:  Ella kissing baby brother for the first time (August 25, 2012).

Video:  Ella watching baby brother move (August 25, 2012).

Picture:  Brian thought it would be cute to put William in Ella's stroller (August 25, 2012).
Love it!

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