Friday, August 31, 2012

Ring Ring Ring


Is that the telephone?

Video:  Ella surprise look when she hears the telephone ring (August 28, 2012).

We had a blast on Tuesday with Sabrina, Genna and Ray.  Ella was a little shy at first but warmed up quickly to our visitors.  It was pretty funny watching her interact with Genna and Ray - giving them toys, playing blocks, etc.
Picture:  Ella and Genna reading a book (August 28, 2012).

Video:  Ella with blocks with Ray (August 28, 2012).


Side Ponytail

I love how much hair Ella has - so many different hair style options!  My mom has been enjoying styling E's hair and this past Monday she was able to put her hair in a side ponytail.
Picture: Ella's side ponytail (August 27, 2012). 

Video:  Ella walking around with her new hairdo (August 27, 2012).

In the afternoon, we tested out E and W sharing their room.  E doesn't mind W in the room to much so I'm hoping she continues to tolerate him.
Picture:  Ella reading a book while William sleeps in his crib (August 27, 2012).

Video:  Ella still enjoys holding William (August 27, 2012).

Ella loves spending time with Ong on the bed.  I could hear her laughter and screams of joy in my bedroom.  Finally got the energy to walk over and video tape it.

Video:  Ella and Ong playing on the bed (August 27, 2012).
Video:  Ella rolling around on the bed (August 27, 2012).


Sunday, August 26, 2012

I want to hold him!

Ella now believes that William is her baby and wants to hold him the way I hold him while I nurse. She asked for the boppy pillow and then she asked for William to be placed on her.  I don't know if she just wants to copy me or wants to be the center of attention with the baby.

After the first time, she was hooked.  Anytime she sees him, she wants to hold him and gets really excited to see him.  I love my baby girl, she's such a good big sister.

Video:  Ella holding William with the boppy pillow (August 26, 2012).

Picture:  Ella and William (August 26, 2012).

So sweet.

Kisses for baby brother

It took only one day before Ella fell in love with her baby brother.  She didn't really understand what he was or who he was but she does now! 
The first time she saw me hold and nurse baby William she instantly signed for finish and wanted him off.  Pretty cute to watch her be protective (same reaction when Brian would try to put his arm around me or give me a hug).  But now she's willing to give him a kiss, take a ride in her stroller and give him her stuff animals.

Video:  Ella kissing baby brother for the first time (August 25, 2012).

Video:  Ella watching baby brother move (August 25, 2012).

Picture:  Brian thought it would be cute to put William in Ella's stroller (August 25, 2012).
Love it!

Ella says "Hello William!"

What is Ella's typical morning routine with mommy?  She walks in while I'm still in bed, asks to get up onto the bed, and then asks for her iPad.  Yes, it happens every morning for the last two months.  We decided to not bring Ella to the hospital as she was doing well with my parents at home (much love to my parents for learning E's routine and doing everything for us) and didn't show any signs of missing/wanting me.  So we thought it best that her first time seeing me would be in the morning as if nothing has changed. 

Fortunately, everything went as planned!  I was doing really well with my recovery and was allowed to be discharged after 48 hours.  Woohoo!  We came home Thursday night after Ella went to bed and everything followed as we thought it would.  Ella woke up, usual morning routine, and then came in to see me (sitting on the sofa).  She asked to sit next to me and then asked for the iPad.  As if nothing has changed ;)

After she settled down, we brought William out and got her first reaction on camera.

Video:  Ella meeting William - Part 1 (August 24, 2012).
Video:  Ella meeting William - Part 2 (August 24, 2012).
Video: Ella meeting William - Part 3 (August 24, 2012).
Video: Ella meeting William - Part 4 (August 24, 2012).

Let the adventures of being a big sister begin!

New living room chair

Ella has been fascinated with crawling underneath things (tables, chairs, etc.).  It's been interesting to watch her explore and find new ways to scare me.

Her new spot is our side table in the living room.  She loves to climb up and sit and try to get the dogs to sit next to her.  Pretty funny stuff.  The first time she did it I just thought she was curious, but she truly loves it.

Video:  Ella loves her new spot (August 6. 2012).
Picture: Ella sitting in her living room spot (August 16, 2012).


My first pony ride

We went to Funderland on August 16th with Alicia and her twin boys Andrew and Cameron.  What I did not notice in our prior trip was the pony ride business next door.  After we went on a few rides, we decided to check out the pony and see if the kids would be interested.

At first, Ella was scared but toward the end she wanted to go again. It was so cute to watch her pet the pony and want to give the pony a hug.
Picture:  Ella's first pony ride (August 16, 2012).

Before we went to Funderland, we met with Tien and Claire at Costco.  Ella and Claire shared their first cart ride!  They both had a good time sitting next to each other.

Pictures:  Ella and Claire sitting together at Costco (August 16, 2012).

Life is good.

Future Ikea Furniture Builder

Ella has always been a good littler helper - folding laundry, picking up trash, putting her toys away, etc.  I can now add Ikea furniture builder to her list of skills.

We decided to move forward and get William a crib now so that Ella can adjust to her room setup prior to his arrival.  Ella was so excited during the build that we didn't want to stop her from helping us.

Picture:  Ella building William's crib (August 9, 2012).

Great job building your baby brother's crib!

A Girl's best friend - the stroller

When I found out I was having a girl, I could not wait to get her a stroller.  It's taken awhile but Ella finally understands the concept and loves her stroller!  What a wonderful milestone!

Video:  Ella pushing her stroller and blue bear (August 9, 2012).

I keep meaning to video tape her more recent stroller adventures - especially now that she has full control at turns and she loves to put all of her stuff animals in it. 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Turtles, Snakes and Lizzards

We took Ella to her weekly trip to the Sacramento Zoo yesterday morning and had a blast as almost all the animals were out and Ella got a close encounter with reptiles.  Ella loves her play dates with the twins.

Video:  Ella checking out the Box Turtle (August 7, 2012).
Video:  Ella watching the box turtle (August 7, 2012).
Video: Ella and Andrew watching the sea-otters (August 7, 2012).
Picture:  Ella and Andrew sitting in the double stroller (August 7, 2012).
Picture:  Ella watching the flamingos (August 7, 2012).

Can't wait to have Ella and William next to each other!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

15 Month Check Up

I can't believe Ella is already 15 months old and getting her next check up.  The nurse told me that most babies at 1 year of age will remember the 12 month check up because of the shot in the arm.  Oh boy did Ella remember the Doctor's office.  As we walked into the room she started to sign for finish, no, and point at the door to leave.  It as if she knew what was going to happen in the next few minutes.

As suspected, she screamed during her shots but recovered quickly after we left the room.  She's still growing and we can't wait to hear her talk!

15 Month Milestone:
Date: August 6, 2012
Weight:  23 Pounds (50%)
Measurement:  32 Inches (90%)
Head Circumference:  19 Inches (90%)

Time is flying by!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Discovery Park

Brian wanted to take Ella on a bike ride yesterday so we decided to check out Discovery Park.  Wasn't sure if E would even remember the bike trailer but to my surprise she definitely remembered it.  As Brian pulled it off the truck, Ella immediately walked towards it and tried to get in.  She cried desperately to get in with Dexter - so cute!  It probably didn't help that we were trying to figure out how to put it back together and taking a long time.  Overall, we had a great family outing at Discovery Park.

Video:  Ella, Dexter and Daddy at Discovery Park (August 5, 2012).
Picture:  Ella asking for milk after the long bike ride (August 5, 2012).

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Bath time in the sink

One may wonder, how do we bath Ella?  Well, her bath time routine is different from her washing her hair routine (and Ella knows which one she is getting).  We wash her hair only twice a week - typically on Sunday and Wednesday.  However, she does get her bath time every night as part of her bed time routine.

We wash her body with soap in her sink and then allow her to play in the bath tub with warm no-soap water.  After months of this routine, Ella now knows how to open and close the sink plug.  Got it on video camera!

Video:  Ella loves her sink time - now she can open the drain (July 31, 2012).
Video:  Ella talking and playing in the sink (August 1, 2012).

;) I just love this little girl!

Arden Fair Mall Play Area

I haven't taken Ella to the mall in a long time but we had a great time shopping for gifts.  It was probably more enjoyable because Tien and Claire joined us and kept us entertained everywhere we went.  Arden Fair Mall has a pretty cool play area for kids in the Food Court.  Though our girls were not tall enough they still enjoyed playing in the corner with themselves.

Video:  Ella and Claire checking out the play area (August 3, 2012).
Video:  Ella loves the butterfly statue (August 3, 2012).
We got to see Claire three times this week!  It was great.  Here is another fun video of the girls playing with each other in Claire's room.
Video:  Ella and Claire playing with blocks (July 30, 2012).

We <3 Claire.

Sacramento State Fair 2012

We took a family outing to the State Fair on the evening of Friday, July 27th.  Ella loved watching the people, the rides and the lights.  It was fun watching her point and make her noises as she wants to try to touch everything. 

Video:  Ella and Daddy on the carousel (July 27, 2012).
Video:  Ella and Daddy checking out the bird exhibit (July 27, 2012).
Picture: Ella and Daddy (July 27, 2012).

We love our family outings together.  Ella's second trip to the state fair was a success!

Cesar Chavez Plaza Park

Thursday was a busy day for Ella - the park, the downtown library for story time, Wayside Noodles for lunch, and bubbles with Uncle Johnston.  We had a good time walking around Cesar Chavez Plaza Park though no ducks to chase but lots of bums to look at.  Baby lap sit and Toddler story time was better this time around and Ella does great at sitting still, listening and participating. 

Video:  Ella walking around Cesar Chavez Plaza Park (July 26, 2012).
Video:  Ella chasing bubbles (July 26, 2012).
Video:  Ella laughing (July 26, 2012).
Ella loves to chase bubbles now!
Picture:  Ella making new friends at the library (July 26, 2012).
Picture:  Ella and Andrew at Wayside Noodles (July 26, 2012).  Where's my pho?