Sunday, July 1, 2012

Quack, Quack, Quack

After a long morning nap (three hours long), while Brian went rafting we spent our Saturday afternoon going to lunch at Wayside Noodles, McKinley park with Olivia, Lily and Wyatt, and then Big Spoon for an afternoon treat.  It was a lovely day with Ella.

McKinley Park
Ducks go quack, quack, quack. . . . Ella could sit by the pond and watch the ducks all day long if I let her.  She loves to watch them swim, flap their wings, and quack. 

Video:  Ella loves to watch the ducks (June 30, 2012).

Video:  Ella walking around by the pond (June 30, 2012).

Picture:  Ella watching the ducks (June 30, 2012).

Big Spoon Yogurt
While at Big Spoon Yogurt, the kids decided it was more fun to be on the ground and chase each other underneath the table.  I miss the beginning where in which Ella was laughing.  Sigh, I only caught the end where Ella started to want her person space.

Video:  Ella, Wyatt and Lily enjoy themselves underneath the table (June 30, 2012).

Picture:  Ella, Lily and Wyatt laughing at each other (June 30, 2012).

;)  Ella is now back to her 7pm bedtime.  So long 8pm bedtime, sorry it didn't work out.

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