Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Fairytale Town

We took Ella to Fairytale Town for the first time this past Tuesday, July 24th.  Where was this when I was a kid??  Tien and Claire joined us and the girls had a good time walking around.  It was so cute to watch Ella's reaction when she see's Claire - my friend is here!  As much as she enjoy Claire's company she still resists being touched or being too close.  E sure likes her personal space.

Video:  Ella and Claire enjoying Bubbles (July 24, 2012).
Picture:  Ella going down on the slide (July 24, 2012).
Picture:  Ella saying cheese in the cheese hole (July 24, 2012).

I think I won't get a membership pass until Ella is about 3 as most of the amusement park is designed more for older toddlers.  For now, we'll enjoy our membership at the Zoo.

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