Saturday, July 21, 2012

I am Lion, hear me roar!

We took Ella to our weekly one hour trip to the Sacramento Zoo on Friday, July 20, 2012.  They put out a new picture staging area for the visitors - Ella looks a little confused.  Today we had a nice surprise as Ella got to see the lion up close and personal.  She even heard him roar!

Video:  Ella and the Lion (July 20, 2012).
Video:  Ella and the red Pandas (July 20, 2012).
Picture:  Ella looking at the flamingos (July 20, 2012).
Picture:  Ella watching the giraffes (July 20, 2012).
Picture:  Ella wants to join the zoo ducks (July 20, 2012).
Yay for zoo adventures ;)

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