Wednesday, July 18, 2012

McKinley Library Storytime

McKinley Library Storytime
We decided to check out McKinley Library's Storytime for infants ages birth to 18 months.  The library website describes this activity as one that is designed to help develop literacy with stories, songs, and movement.  I enjoyed it.  Gave me a few ideas on how to make reading more fun with E.  ;)

Video:  Ella playing with the toys before Storytime (July 18, 2012).
Video:  Ella walking around (July 18, 2012).
Picture:  Ella hanging on to the toy bunny (July 18, 2012).
McKinley Park Ducks and Geese Prior to storytime, we enjoyed a few minutes feeding the ducks and geese at the park.  I enjoyed taking her around 9am as all the animals are on the grass relaxing.  Ella just loves animals!  It was fun watching Claire and Ella sit next to one another while feeding the ducks ;)
Video:  Ella wants to play with the ducks (July 18, 2012).
Video:  Ella and Claire sitting on the bench (July 18, 2012).
Picture:  Ella gets close to the animals (July 18, 2012).
Picture:  Ella loves the geese (July 18, 2012).
Picture:  Ella and Claire sitting on the bench (July 18, 2012).

It's nice to be back in the swing of things.

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