Sunday, July 29, 2012

Orangutan's at the Zoo

On Wednesday, we took a family outing to the Sacramento Zoo.  Brian had the day off so he was able to join us in the fun along with his mother Chris.  As usual, Ella enjoyed looking at the different animals walking around.  Today was a treat as we got to see the orangutan's out and about.

Picture:  Ella and Daddy walking to the Zoo (July 25, 2012).

Video:  Ella watching the Orangutan (July 25, 2012).

Sharing is Caring  Ella typically does not like to share her toys.  This afternoon, the Adair kids came over for a play date and Ella was so kind and sweet.  She shared her toys, watched the kids play with her toys and even sat next to them playing with the blocks.  Love how her personality is coming out!

Video:  Ella enjoying the toys next to Jack (July 25, 2012).

Picture:  Ella, Isaac, Paige and Jack playing (July 25, 2012).

Picture:  Ella, Paige and Jack playing with the mega blocks (July 25, 2012).

Love it!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Fairytale Town

We took Ella to Fairytale Town for the first time this past Tuesday, July 24th.  Where was this when I was a kid??  Tien and Claire joined us and the girls had a good time walking around.  It was so cute to watch Ella's reaction when she see's Claire - my friend is here!  As much as she enjoy Claire's company she still resists being touched or being too close.  E sure likes her personal space.

Video:  Ella and Claire enjoying Bubbles (July 24, 2012).
Picture:  Ella going down on the slide (July 24, 2012).
Picture:  Ella saying cheese in the cheese hole (July 24, 2012).

I think I won't get a membership pass until Ella is about 3 as most of the amusement park is designed more for older toddlers.  For now, we'll enjoy our membership at the Zoo.

Johnny's Incredible Pizza

This past Monday, July 23rd, we took Ella to Johnny's Incredible Pizza (same concept as Chuck E Cheese) and she didn't enjoy it as much as I thought she would.  Will have to wait until she's 3 before we try it again.  She did like the bright lights and the games that she can touch and stomp on.  If anything, she probably enjoyed being with the other kids while they had fun.

Picture:  Ella and Genna walking into Johnny's (July 23, 2012).

Video:  Ella on a ride (July 23, 2012).
Video:  Ella going down the slide (July 23, 2012).

The buffet (to my surprise) was pretty good - even the pizza!  I was expecting the worst but overall the experience was good.  I like how the food area was completely separate from the games which makes taking kids more enjoyable for the parents as you have more control.

15 Month Portrait

Three months later and Ella's hair continues to amaze us - thick, long and full.  I can't believe how much she has grown these past three months - walking like an expert, starting to run, more baby signs, and wants to feed herself more.

Much love and appreciation to Mary Wang for taking Ella's 15 month portrait on July 21, 2012. We had a blast trying to get her to laugh and smile for the camera.

Sample 15 Month Portrait:

We got three awesome video clips of Ella laughing and smiling (yes, she's smiling). 
Video:  Ella laughing at Dexter - Part 1
Video:  Ella laughing at Dexter - Part 2
Video:  Ella laughing at Dexter - Part 3

Love it!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

I am Lion, hear me roar!

We took Ella to our weekly one hour trip to the Sacramento Zoo on Friday, July 20, 2012.  They put out a new picture staging area for the visitors - Ella looks a little confused.  Today we had a nice surprise as Ella got to see the lion up close and personal.  She even heard him roar!

Video:  Ella and the Lion (July 20, 2012).
Video:  Ella and the red Pandas (July 20, 2012).
Picture:  Ella looking at the flamingos (July 20, 2012).
Picture:  Ella watching the giraffes (July 20, 2012).
Picture:  Ella wants to join the zoo ducks (July 20, 2012).
Yay for zoo adventures ;)

Let's go running

Ella is learning how to run - bumps, falls and cries along the adventure but well worth the effort!  It's pretty fun to watch her getting a better handle at running as well as maneuvering around obstacles in her way.

On Thursday, July 19, 2012, we had a nice day at the park, storytime with friends and visited great grandpa. Lots of fun things to do and people we love to visit.

McKinley Park with Cameron and Andrew:
By far I think this is Ella's favorite spot to go.  All the ducks, geese and squirrels running around keeps her entertained and she loves to feed them.  Today was pretty funny as Uncle Johnston put her on his shoulder and chased a lot of the animals around.

Video:  Ella feeding the ducks while sitting in her stroller (July 19, 2012).
Video:  Ella walking with ducks - Part 1 (July 19, 2012).
Video:  Ella walking with ducks - Part 2 (July 19, 2012).
Video:  Ella chasing ducks with Uncle Johnston (July 19, 2012).
Picture:  Ella, Cameron and Andrew sitting on the bench (July 19, 2012).
Picture:  Cameron pushing Ella around in the stroller (July 19, 2012).
Carmichael Public Library Storytime with Lily and Wyatt: After the park, we met up with Lily and Wyatt at the Carmichael Public Library Storytime.  We haven't been here in a while so it was nice to see the kids we did know and have E socialize with new ones.  Lily and Wyatt are so much fun to watch.  I hope E and W are good siblings.
Video: Ella doesn't want to share her drum (July 19, 2012).
Video:  Ella running around the chairs (July 19, 2012).
  Visiting Great Grandpa Steele: Ella was awake after Storytime so we made a quick stop and visited Great Grandpa Steele.  Ella was pretty well behaved (i.e. friendly) and even allowed him to kiss her and sit on his lap.
Video:  Ella loves looking outside Great Grandpa's window (July 19, 20212).
Picture:  Ella giving Grandpa kisses (July 19, 2012).


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

McKinley Library Storytime

McKinley Library Storytime
We decided to check out McKinley Library's Storytime for infants ages birth to 18 months.  The library website describes this activity as one that is designed to help develop literacy with stories, songs, and movement.  I enjoyed it.  Gave me a few ideas on how to make reading more fun with E.  ;)

Video:  Ella playing with the toys before Storytime (July 18, 2012).
Video:  Ella walking around (July 18, 2012).
Picture:  Ella hanging on to the toy bunny (July 18, 2012).
McKinley Park Ducks and Geese Prior to storytime, we enjoyed a few minutes feeding the ducks and geese at the park.  I enjoyed taking her around 9am as all the animals are on the grass relaxing.  Ella just loves animals!  It was fun watching Claire and Ella sit next to one another while feeding the ducks ;)
Video:  Ella wants to play with the ducks (July 18, 2012).
Video:  Ella and Claire sitting on the bench (July 18, 2012).
Picture:  Ella gets close to the animals (July 18, 2012).
Picture:  Ella loves the geese (July 18, 2012).
Picture:  Ella and Claire sitting on the bench (July 18, 2012).

It's nice to be back in the swing of things.

Funderland Park

Picture:  Ella at Funderland Park

We took Ella to Funderland yesterday afternoon for the first time (the weather was perfect!).  She enjoyed watching Isaac, Paige, Jack, Alexandria and Izzy run around the park and participating on the rides.  Ella was a big fan of the carousel (rode it 3 times and kept wanting to go back!) and the train ride.

Video:  Ella riding the carousel - Part 1
Video:  Ella riding the carousel - Part 2
Picture:  Ella riding the carousel
Picture:  Ella and Uncle Johnston riding the train

FAQ:  Funderland prohibits anyone who has a cast or is expecting to participate on the ride for their own safety.  Yes, I could not even sit on a train or stand next to E on the carousel for my own safety.  Ugh....that's an odd policy when the zoo does not carry the same policy.  

Monday, July 16, 2012

2012 District Convention

Ella attended her second District Convention "Safeguard your heart" at the Sacramento Convention Center this past weekend. 

Video:  Ella leaning on the chair (July 13, 2012).
Video:  Ella and Daddy playing with bubbles after the DC (July 14, 2012).
Video:  Ella having dinner with us at Michelangelo's (July 14, 2012).
Picture:  Ella reading the program (July 13, 2012).
Picture:  Ella eating her snacks (July 14, 2012).
Next year, she'll be running around the DC with William. ;)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Cough Cough

Ella caught a cold this past week and we're happy to report that she had a fast recovery.  Not the case for me as I still have my cough and sinus congestion - being pregnant, sick and this heat does not make me a very sociable person. to say the least.

We stayed in for most of this past week but got a few good clips of Ella. 
Video:  Ella and Claire play date (July 3, 2012).
Video:  Ella sitting on the rocking chair with a book (July 5, 2012).
Video:  Ella loves running around Target (July 7, 2012).
Video:  Ella loves bathtime with Uncle Johnston (July 9, 2012).
Video:  Ella watching the ducks and geese at McKinley Park (July 12, 2012).
Video:  Ella sitting by the pond (July 12, 2012).
Picture:  Ella loves going to the store and walking down the aisle (July 10, 2012).


Sunday, July 1, 2012

Kisses for Great Grandpa

So cute!!!  - Ella and Great Grandpa smiling while sitting next to each other.

 After morning meeting, we visited and had lunch with Great Grandpa.  As usual, it took Ella a little while to warm up to him as she wasn't familiar with her surroundings.  But toward the end, she gave Great Grandpa lots of kisses.

Video: Ella enjoying Great Grandpa's floor (July 1, 2012).

Video:  Ella wants down from Great Grandpa (July 1, 2012).

Picture:  Ella giving Great Grandpa kisses (July 1, 2012).

On the drive home, Ella took a short afternoon nap.  She loves to cross her legs in her car seat! It's too darn cute.
Video:  Ella sleeping in her car seat (July 1, 2012).

Pictures:  Ella's sleeping positions (July 1,2012).

So sweet.

ZzZzzZzz. . . .

Here are a various pictures of Ella sleeping during the month of June.  Its interesting to see what positions she enjoys and how she manages to always cross her legs at one point while she sleeps.

Picture:  Morning nap on our bed as her sheets were being washed (June 3, 2012).

Picture: Afternoon nap with Hello Kitty (June 4, 2012).

Picture:  Morning nap (June 5, 2012).

Picture:  Ella passed out on her Patrick the pup (June 6, 2012).

Picture:  Ella taking her afternoon nap on patrick the pup (June 8, 2012).

Picture:  Ella taking her afternoon nap (June 27, 2012).

Picture:  Ella taking her morning nap (June 30, 2012) - 3 hours!

I love watching this girl sleep.

Quack, Quack, Quack

After a long morning nap (three hours long), while Brian went rafting we spent our Saturday afternoon going to lunch at Wayside Noodles, McKinley park with Olivia, Lily and Wyatt, and then Big Spoon for an afternoon treat.  It was a lovely day with Ella.

McKinley Park
Ducks go quack, quack, quack. . . . Ella could sit by the pond and watch the ducks all day long if I let her.  She loves to watch them swim, flap their wings, and quack. 

Video:  Ella loves to watch the ducks (June 30, 2012).

Video:  Ella walking around by the pond (June 30, 2012).

Picture:  Ella watching the ducks (June 30, 2012).

Big Spoon Yogurt
While at Big Spoon Yogurt, the kids decided it was more fun to be on the ground and chase each other underneath the table.  I miss the beginning where in which Ella was laughing.  Sigh, I only caught the end where Ella started to want her person space.

Video:  Ella, Wyatt and Lily enjoy themselves underneath the table (June 30, 2012).

Picture:  Ella, Lily and Wyatt laughing at each other (June 30, 2012).

;)  Ella is now back to her 7pm bedtime.  So long 8pm bedtime, sorry it didn't work out.