Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Twins = Double the Fun!

Morning play date with Andrew and Cameron
Ella refused her morning nap but managed to be pleasant when the twins came over for a play date.  She shared her toys, watched them chase each other, and learned how to walk around other kids. I find it most interesting how possessive she is with her toys.  Initially, she cringed when the boys played with lion, alligator or drums.  Toward the end of the play date, she just played along side them.

Pictures:  Ella playing with Cameron.  Andrew pushing Ella on the lion.  Playing in her room.

Video:  Ella playing with Cameron (June 11, 2012).

Video: Ella playing with Andrew and Cameron (June 11, 2012).

Afternoon play date with Paige and Jack
After her short afternoon nap (man, I wanted her to sleep longer), Ella was able to spend a few minutes with Paige and Jack.  Looking back, she wouldn't dare follow them or even leave my side.  Nowadays, as long as she knows where I am she's perfectly content to follow the kids around and see what they're up to.

Picture:  Ella, Paige and Jack playing with the drums.

Video:  Ella playing her drums with Paige and Jack (June 11, 2012).

Toddlers are so much fun!

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