Saturday, June 23, 2012

Anteaters and Zebras

On Monday, June 18th, we met up with Alicia and the twins at the Sacramento Zoo.  Oh boy, did Ella have fun with Andrew and Cameron!  I can't wait until William is at this age and they can both enjoy being pushed around in a wagon.

Video:  Ella enjoying the Anteaters walking around (June 18, 2012).

Video:  Ella enjoying the Zebras out and about (June 18, 2012).

It was nice to see Ella being more social as she gets older.  She still has her moments (especially in large groups) but she does really well when we have friends over (probably because she's in her own environment and isn't scared).  She didn't seem bothered sitting with Andrew, walking around the twins or giving hugs to Alicia.  Woohoo!

Picture: Ella and Andrew looking at the Zebra (June 18, 2012).

Can't wait to have Ella see the monkeys on our next zoo adventure with the twins.

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