Monday, June 11, 2012

Olive Garden

We had a nice morning getting ready for meeting.  Decided to have Ella wear her blue dress for the first time and she totally rocked it now that she walks.

Picture:  Ella with her blue dress (June 10, 2012)

Video:  Ella playing with the iPad (June 10, 2012).

Lunch at Olive Garden
Ella's first trip to Olive Garden was a success!  I love being free to have lunch with our friends after meeting. Ella was able to have a nice meal with the Adairs, Williams, and Claypools.  Can't say too much about the food (it is a chain restaurant after all) but Ella sat in the high chair for almost two hours. Impressed?  We sure are!  She got fussy towards the end since it was past her afternoon nap time but we survived.

Picture: Ella says "let me out of this chair!" (June 10, 2012).

Video:  Ella starting to show how tired she is (June 10, 2012).

Ella was not happy the rest of the afternoon since she refused her afternoon nap and was over-stimulated.  Sigh, I hate pushing her to stay awake.  I always ended up with a cranky baby.

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