Saturday, June 23, 2012

Bubbles, Bubbles, Bubbles

Ella woke up from her morning nap to a lovely surprise - Gabriella and Sophia!  She just loves having her friends over to play with.  We eventually ended up going outside and Sophia blew bubbles for Ella.  I am always so amazed at how good her vision is.  She can pick up the tiniest speck on the floor!

Picture:  Sophia blowing bubbles for Ella (June 22, 2012).

Video:  Ella enjoying the front yard with Sophia and Gabriella (June 22, 2012).

After we had lunch, Ella played a little more with Sophia and Gabriella while the dogs kept trying to join the fun.  I love how friendly Ella is with the friends when she is at home.  She lets them hold her, hug her, and even chase her.  It's wonderful.

Picture:  Ella and Sophia (June 22, 2012).

Can't believe she's 14 months!

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