Saturday, June 30, 2012


I wonder at what age Ella will LOVE being pushed on the swing.  After a month of swinging attempts and lots of patience, we can officially announce that Ella loves the swing!  

Swing attempt on May 20, 2012.
Picture:  Daddy pushing Ella on the swing (May 20, 2012).

Video:  Ella riding daddy's shoulder at the playground in West Sacramento.

Video:  Ella walking daddy around the playground.

Swing attempt on June 7, 2012.
Picture:  Ella on the swing at Woodland playground (June 7, 2012).

Video:  Ella swinging away at the playground in Woodland (June 7, 2012).

Swing attempt on June 9, 2012.
Picture:  Ella on the swing at Fremont Park (June 9, 2012).

Video:  Ella enjoying the ride at Fremont Park (June 9, 2012).

Video:  Ella and Daddy enjoying the swing (June 9, 2012).

Swing attempt on June 21, 2012.
Picture:  Ella being pushed by Jack at Sam Combs Park (June 21, 2012).

Video:  Ella swinging away at Sam Combs Park (June 21, 2012).

Swing attempt on June 25, 2012.
Picture:  Ella

Video:  Ella loves swinging at McKinley Park (June 25, 2012).

Swing attempt on June 26, 2012.
Video:  Ella loves swinging at Miwok Playground (June 26, 2012).

Swing attempt on June 30, 2012.
Video:  Ella on the swings at McKinley Park (June 30, 2012).

Yay for swings!

It's my chair. . . .

Ella loves story time in her chair.  She'll get on her chair, sit, grab a book, and want to flip through the books.  It's so cute!  I'm so glad she's enjoying the chair and continues to enjoy her books.  We spent the afternoon with Isaac, Paige and Jack - playing with E's toys, story time, and going to the pool.

Video:  Ella enjoying story time with Paige and Jack (June 30, 2012).

Video:  Ella gets tickled by Paige (June 29, 2012).

So Ella is a little possessive with her toys and her chair.  It's pretty funny to watch her show other kids that she doesn't want them touching her things or sitting in her chair. Tien, Tom and Claire came over for dinner so the kids got to spend some time with each other.  Ella did not want Claire to go anywhere near her chair.  Pretty funny to watch her push her away.
Video:  Ella doesn't want to share her chair with Claire (June 30, 2012).

Picture:  Claire gets on Ella's chair and is very excited (June 30, 2012).

We love having our friends visit!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Ella loves Auntie Mayelle

Ella loves it when family spends the night ;)  Mayelle came to visit this past Wednesday and left yesterday evening. ;(  It was nice to see how much Ella enjoys having people give her attention and play next to her.  My favorite part was yesterday morning when Ella tapped on the guest room door to see if Mayelle was still there. So cute!

We spent most of Mayelle's visit playing, went to rec pool and dancing to music.  Good times!

Video:  Ella dancing to Auntie Mayelle's music (June 28, 2012).

Picture:  Ella trying to reach for Mayelle's phone (June 28, 2012).

We love Auntie Mayelle!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Miwok Playground and Park

This past Tuesday, June 26th, we went on a play date with Tien and Claire at Miwok Playground and Park in Elk Grove.  Ella loved playing in the bark - way too cute to watch her throw it up in the air as if it was snow.

Video:  Ella and Claire greet one another (June 26, 2012).

Video:  Ella and Claire enjoying the bark (June 26, 2012).

Overall, I think Ella's personality is bursting out and she's letting more people hold her.  It's wonderful to see her give hugs, laughs, smiles and kisses to our friends.

Picture:  Ella and Claire sharing the bark.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

McKinley Park Ducks & Squirrels

McKinley Park:
We had a fun day on Monday, June 25th - the park and swimming.  After we completed our morning errands, Ella napped on the car ride to pick up the Adair kids.  She loves having them in the car with her (and so do I!).  We love McKinley park and all of its creatures roaming around.  We spent a couple hours playing by the pond, chasing squirrels, and having a small picnic.  It was a fun lunch with the kids at the park.

Videos:  Ella, Paige and Jack feeding the ducks (June 25, 2012).

Video:  Ella wants to touch the ducks (June 25, 2012).

Video:  Ella walking around the play ground (June 25, 2012).

Video:  Ella chasing the squirrels (June 25, 2012).

Pictures: Ella at McKinley Park (June 25, 2012).

When we got home, Ella was thrilled to have the kids over and she loves to play with Isaac.  He has a certain charm that gets her laughing.  I love it!
Video:  Ella loves playing with Isaac (June 25, 2012).

After everyone took their afternoon nap, we joined McKenzie and Ethan at the Recreation Center for a swim.  Ella scraped her left knee while walking to the pool.  Sigh, now both of her knees are scraped up. She had a good time in the bench entrance splashing around.

Picture:  McKenzie feeding Ella grapes (June 25, 2012).

Busy but fun day!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Kids Swimming Party

We hosted our first kids swimming party with Ella this past Saturday, June 23rd for our congregation.  We had about 30 kids varying different ages come and everyone seemed to have a great time despite the breeze and semi-warm weather.  We were hoping for a hot sunny day, but it all worked out!  Ella was her usual clingy self at the beginning of the party but was more sociable towards the end.

Video:  Ella eating with the rest of the kids (June 23, 2012).

Video:  Ella at the recreation pool (June 23, 2012).

Picture:  Ella sitting and eating with the kids (June 23, 2012).

Picture:  Ella joining the kids playing with the punching balls (June 23, 2012).

Picture:  Ella with the big purple ball (June 23, 2012).

Picture:  Ella watching Wyatt playing with the ball (June 23, 2012).

Overall, we had a fun time with all the kids and their folks.  Ella behaved for most of it which was great especially since she didn't get her afternoon nap. When we got home, I notice she got her first knee scrape ;(  Doesn't seem to bother her but still breaks my heart to see her get hurt.

Picture:  Ella's first scrape on her right knee (June 24, 2012). 

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Bubbles, Bubbles, Bubbles

Ella woke up from her morning nap to a lovely surprise - Gabriella and Sophia!  She just loves having her friends over to play with.  We eventually ended up going outside and Sophia blew bubbles for Ella.  I am always so amazed at how good her vision is.  She can pick up the tiniest speck on the floor!

Picture:  Sophia blowing bubbles for Ella (June 22, 2012).

Video:  Ella enjoying the front yard with Sophia and Gabriella (June 22, 2012).

After we had lunch, Ella played a little more with Sophia and Gabriella while the dogs kept trying to join the fun.  I love how friendly Ella is with the friends when she is at home.  She lets them hold her, hug her, and even chase her.  It's wonderful.

Picture:  Ella and Sophia (June 22, 2012).

Can't believe she's 14 months!

Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

On Thursday, June 21st, Ella spent the afternoon with Isaac, Paige and Jack.  As always, she loves having them around (as much as I do if not more).  It's nice to see her following them, playing next to them, screaming to have her toys back, and at times chase them.

Video:  Ella singing to Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes (June 21, 2012).

Video:  Ella and Paige playing with the toys (June 21, 2012).

Picture:  Ella and Paige playing with the music toys (June 21, 2012).

The kids watched a movie while Ella went down for her nap.  But when she woke up, we went to Sam Combs Park in West Sacramento.  It wasn't the best park day as it was super windy however we still managed to have a good time

Picture:  Ella with Jack at the Sam Combs park (June 21, 2012).

We love our play dates with Isaac, Paige and Jack!

Wayside Noodles and Library

On Wednesday, June 20th, we went on a wonderful play date with Tien and Claire.  We met downtown in front of the library, went to the farmers market, had lunch at Wayside Noodles, and then enjoyed the library.  Fun morning with the girls ;)

Video: Ella and Claire playing on the sidewalk (June 20, 2012).

Video:  Ella and Claire at Wayside Noodles (June 20, 2012).

Video:  Ella and Claire walking around the library (June 20, 2012).

After Tien and Claire left, we decided to stay a little longer until Brian was done with his errands.  Ella made a few new friends and just loves being around books!  I hope she continues her love for books as she gets older.

Video:  Ella making new friends at the library (June 20, 2012).

Pictures:  Ella making friends and enjoying the library (June 20, 2012).

We made it home just as Brian got home!  Spent the afternoon hanging out together as a family, went to the recreation center for a swim, and relaxed the rest of the evening.

Video:  Ella eating a snack after going in for a swim (June 20, 2012).

New Reading Chair

On the morning of June 19th, I found Ella enjoying her new chair - sitting on top of her books.  Ha!  She thought she was so clever to be able to position herself in a way where she can sit comfortably.  It's finally time to get her a chair of her own to start practicing on.

Picture:  Ella sitting on her books (June 19, 2012).

Video:  Ella loves her books (June 19, 2012).

Her friend Claire got her chair from HomeGoods so we made a trip out to Elk Grove to see if we can find a chair for Ella.  As we walked around the store, we were able to find one that we loved and would match Ella's room.

Picture:  Ella testing out her new chair at HomeGoods (June 19, 2012).

We brought the chair home, moved around some furniture and made Ella a storytime spot for her. The chair originally came with a rocking attachment (which freaked Ella out) but we decided to remove for fear of her following off and hurting herself.  I think Ella enjoys the chair as it is stationery and she's getting better at getting off it.
Picture: Ella enjoying her chair at home (June 21, 2012).

Until Ella can get up and down by herself, she'll still be enjoying her books on the floor. Just need to spend more time reading with her while she sits in it.

Picture:  Ella reading next to her chair (June 22, 2012).

Video: Ella still prefers to play with her books on the floor (June 22, 2012).


Anteaters and Zebras

On Monday, June 18th, we met up with Alicia and the twins at the Sacramento Zoo.  Oh boy, did Ella have fun with Andrew and Cameron!  I can't wait until William is at this age and they can both enjoy being pushed around in a wagon.

Video:  Ella enjoying the Anteaters walking around (June 18, 2012).

Video:  Ella enjoying the Zebras out and about (June 18, 2012).

It was nice to see Ella being more social as she gets older.  She still has her moments (especially in large groups) but she does really well when we have friends over (probably because she's in her own environment and isn't scared).  She didn't seem bothered sitting with Andrew, walking around the twins or giving hugs to Alicia.  Woohoo!

Picture: Ella and Andrew looking at the Zebra (June 18, 2012).

Can't wait to have Ella see the monkeys on our next zoo adventure with the twins.

8th Grade Graduation Pool Party

Costco & Play Date:
We spent last Friday, June 15th at Costco, with the Adair kids and an 8th grade graduation pool party.  While at Costco, we bumped into Isaac, Paige and Jack and Ella had a blast with the kids.  Ella especially loved having Isaac entertain her while I was paying for our items.  Afterward, we were able to take the Adair kids home with us and spent the afternoon playing before the going to the pool party.

Video:   Isaac entertaining Ella at Costco (June 15, 2012).

Picture:  Paige feeding Ella her lunch (June 15, 2012).

8th Grade Graduation Pool Party for Genna and Olivia
Ella got invited to her first pool party to celebrate Genna and Olivia's 8th grade graduation.  We didn't go into the pool as she doesn't like the pool (but she sure does love the beach entrance at the rec center).  However, she loved eating watermelon and dancing in front of the friends.  Good times as always.

Video:  Ella relaxing on Sabrina's swing next to the pool (June 15, 2012).

Picture:  Ella chilling by the pool watching the kids (June 15, 2012).


Saturday, June 16, 2012

Itsy Bitsy Spider

I really enjoy story time at the Carmichael Public Library.  The librarian has the routine down and the flow is very enjoyable (song, book, song, etc.).  We haven't been since April as the month of May was closed due to the librarian being on vacation.  So it was nice to take Ella on Thursday and see her take it all in.  She likes to sit on my lap now while the librarian reads! woohoo!

Ella doesn't really care too much for the stories but she loves the part where the librarian sings.  I think "Itsy Bitsy Spider" is Ella's favorite as she loves the hand gestures.

Picture:  Ella playing with toys but not with the kids (June 14, 2012).

Video:  Ella watching "itsy bitsy spider" (June 12, 2012).

Wasn't able to get a picture of Ella and Kingston together but it was nice to see her recognize who he was and Sasha.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Leatherby's Family Creamery

This past Tuesday, after Ella took her morning nap we had a play date at Claire's house. Claire learned to jump in her crib and she showed Ella how to do it too.  The video of them both jumping is so adorable.  Since then, she has not jumped in her crib. 

Picture:  Ella and Claire in the crib (June 12, 2012).

Videos: Claire teaches Ella to jump in the crib (June 12, 2012) - Part 1 and 2.

Lunch at Leatherby's
Did you know Leatherby's open a new shop in Elk Grove?  It opened this past May and has been drumming up a crowd.  After our play date, we took the girls to Leatherby's for lunch and boy did they have a blast!  Ella sure does love the taste of ice cream.

Picture:  Ella sucking on her finger she touched the ice cream with (June 12, 2012).


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Twins = Double the Fun!

Morning play date with Andrew and Cameron
Ella refused her morning nap but managed to be pleasant when the twins came over for a play date.  She shared her toys, watched them chase each other, and learned how to walk around other kids. I find it most interesting how possessive she is with her toys.  Initially, she cringed when the boys played with lion, alligator or drums.  Toward the end of the play date, she just played along side them.

Pictures:  Ella playing with Cameron.  Andrew pushing Ella on the lion.  Playing in her room.

Video:  Ella playing with Cameron (June 11, 2012).

Video: Ella playing with Andrew and Cameron (June 11, 2012).

Afternoon play date with Paige and Jack
After her short afternoon nap (man, I wanted her to sleep longer), Ella was able to spend a few minutes with Paige and Jack.  Looking back, she wouldn't dare follow them or even leave my side.  Nowadays, as long as she knows where I am she's perfectly content to follow the kids around and see what they're up to.

Picture:  Ella, Paige and Jack playing with the drums.

Video:  Ella playing her drums with Paige and Jack (June 11, 2012).

Toddlers are so much fun!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Olive Garden

We had a nice morning getting ready for meeting.  Decided to have Ella wear her blue dress for the first time and she totally rocked it now that she walks.

Picture:  Ella with her blue dress (June 10, 2012)

Video:  Ella playing with the iPad (June 10, 2012).

Lunch at Olive Garden
Ella's first trip to Olive Garden was a success!  I love being free to have lunch with our friends after meeting. Ella was able to have a nice meal with the Adairs, Williams, and Claypools.  Can't say too much about the food (it is a chain restaurant after all) but Ella sat in the high chair for almost two hours. Impressed?  We sure are!  She got fussy towards the end since it was past her afternoon nap time but we survived.

Picture: Ella says "let me out of this chair!" (June 10, 2012).

Video:  Ella starting to show how tired she is (June 10, 2012).

Ella was not happy the rest of the afternoon since she refused her afternoon nap and was over-stimulated.  Sigh, I hate pushing her to stay awake.  I always ended up with a cranky baby.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Hot Italian & Fremont Park

We had a lazy Saturday morning but Ella sure loves to walk!  Here's a funny video of Ella walking around the sofa - laughing as she turns the corners.
Video:  Ella laughing while walking in circles (June 9, 2012).

Hot Italian:
Brian suggested we go out for lunch just to get us out of the house for a little bit.  We ended up taking Ella to Hot Italian (her second visit) and enjoyed a couple of pizzas for lunch.  Ella was a good mood as she gave Brian hugs and kisses while waiting for the food to arrive.  ;)

Picture:  Ella giving Daddy a kiss while waiting for food (June 9, 2012).

Video:  Ella giving daddy a hug and playing with his glasses (June 9, 2012).

Fremont Park:
After lunch, with the weather being nice and Ella still in a good mood we walked across the street to Fremont Park. Ella loves to explore and she doesn't mind directing us where she would like to go! 

Picture:  Ella refusing to get up without help (June 9, 2012).

Video:  Ella walking around the park (June 9, 2012).

Video:  Ella and Daddy walking around Fremont Park (June 9, 2012).

Loving our family adventures around Sacramento!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Twister, Park and Library

This past week, we were able to get in lots of play dates with Ella's favorite friends. Socializing Ella with other kids is getting more entertaining as she continues to master walking.

Monday (June 4, 2012) - Play date with Isaac, Paige and Jack.
Who loves watching kids run around, play board games and dance?  Ella does!  She thoroughly enjoyed her afternoon with Isaac, Paige and Jack.

Picture:  Ella sharing her books and toys.

Picture:  Ella wants to play Hungry Hungry Hippos.

Picture:  Ella trying to join in on a game of Twister.

Tuesday (June 5, 2012) - Play date with Kingston at McKinley Park.
McKinley Park has a great playground next to a pond filled with ducks, geese, and turtles.  

Picture:  Ella and Kingston sitting on a bench watching the animals.

Video:  Ella and Kingston trying to feed the animals.

Thursday (June 7, 2012) - Play date with Claire.
Ella and Claire had a fun play date at the Sacramento Downtown Library on I street for story time. Story time wasn't all that great but the play mat was pretty cool. 

Picture:  Ella and Claire playing in the library.

Video:  Ella and Claire playing on the playmate at the library.

Friday (June 8, 2012) - Play date with Sophia and Gabriella. Play date with Isaac, Paige & Jack.
Ella got to spend quality time with Sophia and Gabriella after her morning nap.

Picture:  Ella enjoying Sophia and Gabriella's visit.

Video:  Ella watching the girls play a board game.

After the girls left, Ella went down for her afternoon nap.  But to her surprise, she woke up and got to play with Isaac, Paige & Jack.  What a wonderful Friday for Ella!

Video:  Ella playing with Jack and Isaac.

Can't wait for more adventures with Ella and her friends.