Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tuesday - June 28, 2011

Who's a rockstar when it comes to sleeping through the night?  Ella!  She fell asleep at about 9pm and I woke up to the sound of her sucking on her hand at 5am.  I'm not sure when she woke up or for how long, but she was such a good baby!  She was laying in her crib sucking on her hand without a care in the world.  After she was fed/changed she went right back to sleep until about 8:30am.

Picture:  Ella sleeping this morning.

Work @ DDGE: Rain and thunder in July???  What is going on here!  Amber watched Ella at the Defty House today and Ella did good - only cried when she wanted to be fed.  Slept for most of her time with Amber ;)  We love her bouncer!  The trip home was great as Ella slept through the whole car ride.

Picture:  Ella sleeping in her woombie @ the Defty House.

Milestone Moment:  Ella has officially found her thumb and loves having it in her mouth.  As I was working on a project, I hear Ella making sucking noises and to my surprise she wasn't sucking on her hand but on her thumb! It was the most adorable thing ever.  I LOVE it. . .however I still want the pacifier.

Video:  Ella sucking on her thumb.

Picture:  Ella sucking on her thumb.

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