Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thursday - June 30, 2011

June is officially over.  Which means Ella is officially 10 weeks old and continues to be our little rockstar.  She slept wonderfully last night (9:30pm to 5:00am, 5:10am to 7:00am - I think she would have slept the whole way through if I didn't disturb her).

Ella did great on our way to work and way home - slept the whole time on both trips!  She spent her morning with Jacquelin and Shae.

Afternoon Visitors:  Tien and Claire came to visit us this afternoon for a play date.  It's so much fun to see them grow up together and see the different development stages.  Along with Amber, Leslie and Natalie visit, Ella had a great time this afternoon.

Video:  Ella + Claire Play Date Part 1

Video:  Ella + Claire Play Date Part 2

Video:  Ella + Claire Play Date Part 3

Video:  Ella + Claire Play Date Part 4


Wednesday - June 29, 2011


I'm not sure if I should be excited or scared but Ella slept from 9:30pm to 7:00am last night.  I guess we'll find out tonight if it was a fluke or its her new sleeping habit.  To be continued. . . .

We had a busy day with errands, friends and projects.  Ella is doing better in the car seat as she now has her thumb to keep her busy.

Morning Activities:  Ella loves her bath time with Brian.  She still cries (a little) when he washes her hair but for the most part she enjoys her time in the water.   Afterward, we did a little tummy time and played on her bumbo (which she is still trying to adjust).

Video:  Bath Time (the camera didn't adjust so its not flipped correctly)

Picture:  Ella taking a bath.
Picture:  Tummy time!

Afternoon Activities:  Ella was so well behaved while we went bowling with Devin, Ray, Ethan, Isaac, McKenzie and Mila.  Isaac is such a character.  He did the robot for us ;)  On the car ride home, little Ray and Isaac kept Ella entertained the whole time - it was great!  She was so interested in the funny noises and faces they were making.

Video:  Isaac dancing in front of Ella (she's in the stroller)

Evening Activities:  After her nap, she continued to enjoy sucking on her thumb.  I don't know if I should be happy because she has something to sooth herself with or scared because this could be a very bad habit in the long run.
Video:  Sucking on her thumb - its a long video but you can see her looking at her hand with amazement.

Picture:  Sucking on her thumb while playing on her play mat.
Picture:  Brian + Ella playing

Special Visitors:  We were visited by an old family friend today, Tony Vu!  It was nice to have dinner and for him to see Ella. He brought Ella a very cool bear.

Picture:  Ella + Tony

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tuesday - June 28, 2011

Who's a rockstar when it comes to sleeping through the night?  Ella!  She fell asleep at about 9pm and I woke up to the sound of her sucking on her hand at 5am.  I'm not sure when she woke up or for how long, but she was such a good baby!  She was laying in her crib sucking on her hand without a care in the world.  After she was fed/changed she went right back to sleep until about 8:30am.

Picture:  Ella sleeping this morning.

Work @ DDGE: Rain and thunder in July???  What is going on here!  Amber watched Ella at the Defty House today and Ella did good - only cried when she wanted to be fed.  Slept for most of her time with Amber ;)  We love her bouncer!  The trip home was great as Ella slept through the whole car ride.

Picture:  Ella sleeping in her woombie @ the Defty House.

Milestone Moment:  Ella has officially found her thumb and loves having it in her mouth.  As I was working on a project, I hear Ella making sucking noises and to my surprise she wasn't sucking on her hand but on her thumb! It was the most adorable thing ever.  I LOVE it. . .however I still want the pacifier.

Video:  Ella sucking on her thumb.

Picture:  Ella sucking on her thumb.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Monday - June 27, 2011

Happy Monday! Can you believe June is almost over?   Four more weeks until Ella travels on a plane for the first time (we'll be making a trip down to LA to visit family). Ella slept wonderfully last night (9pm to 2:30am and 3:00am to 7:00am) - she totally loves her sleep like her parents.  ;)

Morning @ DDGE:  We went into the office this morning and she slept until 11:15am. After being changed and fed, she enjoyed her morning with Leslie at the Defty house playing on her play mat and bouncy.

Video:  Ella playing.

Picture:  Ella helping with the laundry.

Picture:  Vintage Ella (thanks Adam!)

Hands & Feet:
Ella's hands and feet are so darn cute!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sunday - June 26, 2011

Ella loves her sleep as much as I do.  ;)  She continues to sleep through the night and only waking up once to be changed/feed.  Go Ella! 

Morning:  We spent the morning relaxing and stayed in.  Lazy Sunday's are the best! 
Video:  Ella playing with the toys on her play mat.
Video:  Ella + Bumbo
Picture:  Ella on her tummy (she hates it).
Picture:  We're trying to get Ella to practice sitting up.

Friends:  We got to see lots of friends today at meeting.  Ella was in the perfect mood (changed and fed) to be held.  She stayed quiet for most of meeting until the very end where after Brian changed her she screamed (poor Brian) to be fed.
Picture:  Ella + Ben
Picture:  Ella + Laurel

Steele Family Dinner:  Had dinner with the family and we had a wonderful surprise visitor - - Mike Forhan (Jan's best friend) was in town! 
Picture:  Ella + Mike
Video:  Ella and Great Grandpa Steele  (he has the magic touch with Ella)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Saturday - June 25, 2011

Busy morning for miss Ella!  Took her out for the first time with us to field service and she did great.  With the sun out, we put a nice sun hat (thanks to Cora Chan for the adorable hat!) during the entire time and she passed out in the sling.

Picture:  Ella + Mommy

Special Visitors:  We rushed home for our special visitors! Thank you Kimi, Val, Gabe & Mary for making the trip out to Sacramento to see us and for all the goodies.
Video Clip:  Mary teaching Ella awesome moves.  It's a must watch video!

Picture:  Ella + Mary
Picture:  Ella + Kimi
Picture:  Ella + Val (thank you for the books!  Brian will enjoy reading them to Ella)
Picture:  Ella + Gabe (thank you for the dog toy and Spot book!  Yes, I do love dogs. Good memory Gabe.)
Picture:  Fun pictures during their stay.
Mary had fun putting tons of hair clips on Ella.
Ella enjoying her Bumbo (thanks Kimi!)

After our guests left, we cleaned up and took a short nap.  Ella played on her play mat for awhile and enjoyed her bouncy.  Still trying to get her use to her tummy time.

Picture:  Ella + Amber (finally! Didn't realize Amber hasn't held Ella yet)

I love my friends.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday - June 24, 2011

Happy Friday!

Ella slept amazing last night.  So good that I had to wake her up at 4:30am to feed her (she fell asleep at 9pm).  We have such a good baby ;) Her hair continues to grow and stick straight up without any help.

Morning @ work:  Ella was a rockstar at work today - slept, played and didn't cry much on the ride home (way to go Leslie!). 
Picture:  Adam & Ella
Picture: Kumcha & Ella

Afternoon Play Time:  Though she didn't sleep for very long, I am enjoying her alert moments throughout the day.  Her personality is starting to show as each day passes.  She loves to make bubbles, drool, talk, and smile.  I am pretty sure she's going to be a thumb sucker! 
Video:  Ella trying to find her thumb to suck on.
Video:  Ella trying to play with a rattle.

Picture:  Say hello to Ella!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Thursday - June 23, 2011

We survived Ella's first round of vaccines.  She didn't have a fever or exhibit any signs of pain so overall she was a rockstar. Last night, I had her sleep in her bassinet in our bedroom (I wanted to keep an eye on her temperature) and realize she talks in her sleep ALOT!  Throughout the night, I kept thinking she was crying but in fact she was just babbling in her sleep.

Morning Visitors:  Ella's Aunt Mayelle came to visit and got to have breakfast together.
Video Clip:  Mayelle holding Ella.
Pictures: Mayelle + Ella

Afternoon Activities: Spent the afternoon trying to get Ella to sleep (I could tell she wanted to sleep but for some reason she just couldn't fall asleep) and was exhausted.  We played with everything and yet she was still so alert!  She's starting to enjoy looking at her mirror and playing in her play mat. 
Video:  Ella looking at herself in the mirror
Picture:  Ella and the mirror.

Dinner:  Enjoyed a lovely time with Leah and Moriah. Can't wait for our next dinner date.
Picture: Leah + Ella
 Picture: Moriah + Ella (Didn't get one with her this evening so here's one from the Special assembly day)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wednesday - June 22, 2011

Today was a milestone moment for Ella - 2 Months!

Last night she slept wonderful.  Brian put her down at 10pm and I woke up (my boobs were in dying need to be nursed) at 5:40am thinking - did I not hear her cry last night?  Is she okay???  I walked quickly (actually, I kinda ran) over to Ella's room and I find her peacefully looking around her crib.  Oh how I love her. So I have no clue how long she's been awake but I am loving my sleep.

Morning Play Time:  Ella is enjoying the Hawaiian music (Thanks Tien and Claire!) and our usual morning routine.
Video: Talking, kinds smiling, and moving around in her bouncy.
Video: Tummy Time!

Picture:  Ella modeling on her tummy.

Doctor Visit:  We took Ella in for her 2 month check up (which includes her first round of immunization shots).
Video:  Ella being checked out by nurse.

Pictures:  Ella getting her measurements.

Ella's Measurements to date:
Weight: 12 lbs 2 ounces (75%)
Height: 24 inches (100%)
Head Circumference: 15 3/4 (75%)

Vaccines:  Ella got her first round of vaccines in four shots - three by needle and one by oral.
-Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus (DTap)
-Hepatitis B (HEP B)
-Inactivated Polio
-Diaphtheria, Tetanus (DT)
-Hemophilus Influenza type B (HIB)
-Hepatitis A (HEP A)
-Pneumococcal (Prevnar)

She took her shots like a rockstar!  She took the oral shot first without any difficulties (the nurse said she did amazing).  As for her three shots (two in her right leg and one in the left) she cried during the shots but was quiet after I picked her up.  We have such a brave girl!

Picture:  She slept the whole ride home.
Picture: Ella's shots on her legs (you can see the three cute band-aids)

We are spending the rest of the afternoon sleeping and watching her temperature.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tuesday - June 21, 2011

Ella's First Shots Countdown: 11 Hours (I'm getting nervous for her!)

Ella slept great last night.  Woke her up at 11pm to feed/change her and then she slept until 5am.  She makes more sounds while she sleeps than she does when she's awake!
Picture:  Ella got out of her swaddle while sleeping.
Tip of the day - if you don't swaddle the baby tight enough, she'll be able to get out it real fast and end up startling herself which in turn means she doesn't sleep very long.

Play date with Baby Claire:  We went on our weekly play date with Tien & Claire this morning.  Enjoyed a nice morning walk (before it got too hot) and then watched the girls play, cry and eat.
Ella enjoying Claire's crib.
Ella and Claire playing with each other.
Now and Then (Top - June 21st and Bottom - June 2nd)

Bible Study Tonight:  A special thank you to the friends who helped watched Ella tonight during meeting (finally got something out of meeting!).
Picture: Sheryl and Ella - - they are matching!
Picture: Didn't get a chance to take one of Ella with Stephanie, so I'm using the one we took when she came to visit Ella at the house.
Picture:  Leigh Ann, Grace and Ella.  ;)
Picture: Savannah and Ella
Picture:  Adriana and Ella

Came home and she passed out after Brian gave her a bath.  I hope she continues her sleeping pattern!