Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wednesday - October 26, 2011

Last night was rough.  Ella was having a hard time sleeping on her own. Sigh.  I think she finally slept in her bed about 1am, got up at 3am, 5am, 7am.  Poor thing.  At least she's back to normal, rash all gone and she gave us a nice big dirty diaper this afternoon.  :)

Picture:  Ella after her bath


Tuesday - October 25, 2011

Ella enjoys getting all of my attention  ;)  I can't imagine how its going to be if she were to get sick.  She was on and off last night - but finally went to bed around 1am.  Got up again at 5am and went back to bed after eating.  We spent the day at home, grocery store, rice cereal, meeting, and then trying to get Ella to fall asleep.

Video:  Ella enjoying a cold towel on her hot little head.

Picture:  Ella getting ready for meeting

Video:  Ella vs. the Tissue Box

Picture:  Ella loves tearing up tissue

Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday - October 24, 2011

Ella went to bed at 8:30pm and woke up at 2:30am, ate, and went right back to sleep.  It was funny because she even fell asleep while I was changing her diaper.  I crawled back into bed and didn't hear her again until 7:30am.  She must have known today was going to be painful as she cried waiting in the Dr.'s room. She cried in pain as the nurse injected her shots.  ;*(  Two in the left leg and one in the right.

Picture:  Ella during her 6 month check up.

6 Month Milestone:
Date: October 24, 2011
Weight: 17 Pounds and 8 Ounces (75%)
Measurement: 27 Inches (90%)
Head Circumference: 17 1/2 Inches (90%)

After her Dr. appointment we made a spur of the moment visit to Great Grandpa Steele.  Ella took a mini nap during the drive there so she was semi-good for the visit. About 30 minutes into the visit she was ready to eat and go home. 

Video:  Ella with Great Grandpa Steele

Picture:  Ella with Great Grandpa and Grandpa

Picture:  Ella with Great Grandpa Steele

Ella did pretty good until about 3pm when she woke up from her nap in pain.  She screamed in pain and tears for almost two hours ;(  Her temperature was getting high so I gave her the meds and she passed out within 20 minutes.  I am going to pamper her by letting her sleep with me tonight.  ;)

Hoping for no high fever!

Sunday - October 23, 2011

Who enjoys morning play time?  Ella does!  She is starting to really enjoy her activity gym - she observes the toys, hits the variety of toys, and even tries to mouth them.

Video:  Ella playing in her activity gym.

We took Ella on her first trip to Ikea (Brian wanted to get ideas for his office).  Ikea has so many things to look at and Ella enjoyed the new environment (the kiddy section is ridiculously cool).

Picture:  Ella and Daddy at Ikea

We took an afternoon nap, went to meeting, had dinner as a family (Ella sat and ate her sweet potato), and called it a night.  ;)

Saturday - October 22, 2011

6 Months already?  Where did the time go!  Ella is starting to sleep without being swaddle.  I woke up this morning to find her sleeping like this:

We spent the morning out in service, skype with Bailee and Kellen, nap, and then off to San Francisco for Susan & Randy's wedding.  Ella did good on the drive down as she slept through most of it. We've been saving her red dress for this special occasion and she was rocking it.  ;)  It was fun to see her being held by our friends and her hair is always amusing.   This was Ella's third wedding and she did much better.  Besides being fussy towards the end of the night, she did pretty good during the appetizers and even dinner.  We left about 9:30pm and Ella slept the whole drive back. 

Pictures:  Ella enjoying the candy station

Picture:  Ella + Mary

Picture:  Ella + Valene + Dustin

Picture:  Ella + Steph + Aram

Picture:  Ella + Greg

Picture:  Ella + new friends (Daddy is letting her eat candy!!)

What a fun wedding ;)  Congrats to Susan and Randy!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Friday - October 21, 2011

Ella slept 11 hours last night (8pm to 7am).  Wow. This baby can sleep.  After our morning routine we left for work about 9am and stayed until 1pm.  Rushed home to meet the windshield guy, showered, gave Ella a bath, and then went to Sears to take Ella's 6 month photos.  Two hours at the mall is a little tiring.  ;(  Ella fell asleep on the drive to Jan and Chris' house and continued to sleep until I woke her up at 7:30pm.  That was a big mistake as she was cranky for most of the evening.  She was angry and cried the entire drive home - sigh.  After some playtime, Ella was ready for bed by 10:30pm.

Picture:  Ella with Adam

Picture:  Ella with grandpa

Preview of Ella's 6 Month Photos:

Thursday - October 20, 2011

Ella sleeping past midnight is not fun.  She got up at 6am, ate and then went back to bed with me.  Poor thing.  I had to wake her up at 7:45am to leave for work.  She's does so well on the car ride to work as she sat there and eventually fell back to sleep.  She spent the morning with her favorite Leslie.

Picture:  Ella sleeping @ the Defty's

Afternoon Activities:  We got home from work about 2 which gave us plenty of time to play, eat rice cereal, and enjoy the afternoon together.  It's fun to play with Ella's hair (she will disagree with me on this one).

Picture:  Ella's hairdo

Evening Activities:  Brian had a work meeting so we took the car in for an oil change and tire rotation.  While we waited, we had dinner at the Cafeteria.  ;)  Ella loved getting the attention as people turned to see the baby with the hair.

Picture:  Ella sitting at the lounge @ Cafeteria

When we got home, we tried sweet potato again - Ella still isn't the biggest fan but she ate it!  Ella didn't get a long afternoon nap today so she passed out at 8pm.

Wednesday - October 19, 2011

Ella slept good last night 10:30pm to 5am; 5:15am to 7:30am.  She must realize she's home now as she didn't cry when she woke up ;)  Ella played until we left for swim class, slept in the car, swam, and then slept in the car again.  We gave Ella a bath and tried to feed her rice cereal.  She's not doing so great with the rice cereal these days as I keep changing the feeding schedule.  We'll do better next week.

Afternoon Activities:  Ella took a long nap from 12:30pm to 4:30pm.  She's had rice cereal for a month now so it's time to try a new item every week.  This week is sweet potato!

Video:  Ella trying sweet potato + breast milk for the first time (not sure if she's a fan yet)

Evening Activities:  After Ella's food adventure, we picked up shoes at Nordstrom, had dinner at BJ's and watched a movie.  Fun family night out.  ;)
Video:  Ella enjoying the high chair at BJ's

Picture:  Ella sitting in the restaurant high chair like a pro

Picture:  Ella with Daddy @ Nordstrom

We got home about 10pm and Ella was ready for her bedtime bible story with Daddy.  Though her nap during the movie messed up her sleeping schedule as she didn't go to bed until 12:30pm.

Video:  Daddy reading to Ella

Picture:  Daddy & Ella bedtime stories

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Tuesday - October 18, 2011

Welcome home Ella though I think you might have liked it better in LA with your grandparents as you were fussy and hungry this morning at 4:30am.  It's probably due to the fact that she slept next to me while in LA and adapted to eating whenever she wanted.  We'll have to wean her off of that this week!

Ella went back to bed after being fed and changed.  We woke up about 7:30am and started our day with some play activities, work, and then off to Costco we went.  After Costco, we went over to Tien and Claire's house for a play date.

Video:  Ella and Claire's play date (so freaking cute how they're both talking!)

Picture:  Ella loves being on her back while Claire loves being on her tummy

We spent the rest of the afternoon catching up on laundry, house chores, feeding E her rice cereal, and getting ready for meeting.  Can't wait until E starts to crawl ;)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Monday - October 17, 2011

Traveling Baby Ella - Los Angeles Day 5
Last day in LA ;( but we're so excited to sleep in our own beds tonight!   We had dim sum for lunch with Michael, Mayelle, Mikayla, John & Heather, Jennifer and Sara!  It was so nice to see my old SF roomie.  ;)

Picture:  Ella with Sara Oliver

Picture:  Ella playing in her new activity gym toy 

Picture:  Ella with Uncle Johnston

Picture:  Ella chilling in her own Southwest Seat

Note to self:  Eating dim sum in a restaurant with a non-working AC is not enjoyable.  In fact, it was more like torture for the babies.

We took a nice long afternoon nap, had dinner with the family and then went straight to the airport.  Ella is such a good traveler.

Ella is a rockstar.

Sunday - October 16, 2011

Traveling Baby Ella - Los Angeles Day 4
We did a couple errands with grandma and then picked up Mikayla so that M&M could focus on their house hunt.  

Video: Ella sitting next to Mikayla

Picture:  Ella with  Mikayla

Pictures:  Ella with grandpa and grandma

Picture:  Ella with relatives

The afternoon was spent playing with Ella's great grandma, great auntie, grandpa, and uncles.  It was a busy day.  We ended the night at dinner with Mayelle's family and went to bed early.

Saturday - October 15, 2011

Traveling Baby Ella - Los Angeles Day 3
We spent most of the morning playing with grandma and grandpa.  In the evening, we went over to Michael & Mayelle's place to visit Mikayla.  Ella tried on Mikayla's bunny outfit again just to show how cute Mikayla is going to be in it.  ;)

Video:  Ella enjoying rice cereal with her grandma

Video:  Ella in Mikayla's bunny outfit

Picture:  Ella with Heather

Video: Ella with Uncle Hieu and Ruby

Ella loves her family ;)

Picture:  Ella with grandpa Frank

Friday - October 14, 2011

Traveling Baby Ella - Los Angeles Day 2

We spent morning visiting Ella's great grandparents on both sides, took a long afternoon nap, fed her rice cereal, and gave her a bath.  We spent a couple hours visiting with baby Mikayla and then called it a night.

Pictures:  Ella with Great Grandparents

Video:  Ella done with her RC & talking away.

Video:  Ella after her bath (talking)

Video:  Ella with Grandma

Video:  Ella with Uncle Alex

Video:  Ella with Uncle Johnston & Uncle Alex

Life is good at home.  ;)

Picture:  Alex passed out on Ella on the drive to M&M's house.