Saturday, June 18, 2011

Saturday - June 18, 2011

Ella slept great last night.  Her sleeping pattern is becoming regular (falls asleep around 10 until 4ish and then back to bed until 6:30ish).  Now if we could only get her to take a bottle.  Four bottles have failed...back to Target to try more brands.

Daily Morning Playtime:

Picture: Thank you to Andrea and Phil for the adorable outfit!

Afternoon Nap:  Ella and I enjoyed a much needed afternoon nap.  I love having her sleep next to me in bed.

Another Dinner Outing:  Ella enjoyed having dinner with some friends at One Stop:
Video: Vanessa holding Ella, with Colnie, and Malcolm.


Water Fight:  Ella's first water fight - well, at least attending one.  We went to East Portal Park (loved the park - very spacious and had lots of shade).  Ella and I walked around in her sling while watching Brian and the gang play capture the flag with water balloons.

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