Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday - June 20, 2011

Ella's First Shots Countdown: 3 Days (I will probably cry more than Ella)

Ella slept from 9pm to 3:30am last night - yes! a whole 6.5 hours in one sitting.  I ended up having her sleep with me afterward but I love waking up with her in my arms.  I can't express the wonderful feeling to have a baby sleep in your arms.

Ella @ Work:  Left for work around 7:15ish this morning and Ella slept through the whole car ride (thank goodness!). 
Video:  Ella playing at the Defty House
Picture: Ella and Shae

Afternoon Playtime:  Ella is starting to enjoy her tummy time (kinda).  I can't wait for when she's able to hold her own head up!
Video:  Ella on the boppy pillow

Evening Walk:  After our afternoon nap together, we enjoyed a nice evening walk with the dogs.  Claire and Dexter are loving the family time.
Video: Brian holding Ella while I walk Dexter & Claire.

Picture: Brian and Ella

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