Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I like to do things with Liam.

E is starting to enjoy doing things with her baby brother (sometimes).  As long as I make her feel like it was her decision or idea, then she's all about baby brother.

Video:  E and Liam sitting together while watching preschool prep (January 23, 2013).
Video: E wants to give Liam a bath (January 24, 2013).

Video:  E sharing the bed with Liam (February 12, 2013).

Picture:  E and Liam at Costco (January 28, 2013).

Picture:  E and Liam bouncing on the bed (February 3, 2013).
Picture: Liam is starting to fight back with E (February 7, 2013).

Picture:  E showing Liam her ipad (Feburary 4, 2013).

E loves being the bossy big sister.

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