Thursday, November 15, 2012

I like the window seat. . .

Ella's last plane ride was back in March when we went down for Uncle Hieu and Aunt Ruby's wedding.  Ella was 11 months and was an awesome traveler.  She continues to be an awesome traveler as we had no problems going through security, boarding the plane, the plane ride itself, and getting off.   Why did Ella do so well?  Let's see. . . 1) the plane wasn't full so we got the whole row to ourselves; 2) Ella had a box of french fries to snack on; 3) Ella sat next to the window; 4) no one touched her or got near her and 5) a special thanks to Tara for helping us through security!

Picture:  Ella has her iphone and backpack ready for the airport.

Picture:  Ella enjoying her french fries.

Video:  Ella enjoying her own window seat.

On a funny note, while waiting in line to board I pulled Ella off her stroller and put her box of fries in the seat.  So Ella stood by the stroller to guard her fries. Yes, she would walk around the stroller, take a french fry and then walk around the stroller.  I think she saw the little girl behind us eying her french fries and she wasn't going to let one fry get away.

Picture:  Ella enjoying a milk shake for being so good on the plane ride.

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