Thursday, November 8, 2012

18 Month Check Up

Ella went in for her 18 month check up yesterday and was hilarious.  While waiting for our appointment, Ella was pretty happy watching the fish tank and climbing the steps.  As the nurse called us back, her happy expression turned into a "I don't want to go, help me, lets go home" cry.  She didn't run away or disobeyed, she simply followed me while voicing out her objection.  Ella continued to cry during the entire appointment and was back to normal after we left the office.  She can turn on the water works that's for sure.

Video:  Ella playing in the waiting room (November 7, 2012).

18 Month Check Up:
Date: November 7, 2012
Weight: 24 Pounds 4 ounces (50%)
Measurement: 33 Inches (90%)
Head Circumference: 19.4 Inches (90%)

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