Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I want to help!

I want to help!!  screams Ella in her own baby language.

Nowadays its hard to keep Ella away from her brother and from being jealous of her brother.  During the good part of the day, Ella is dying to help with the baby - diaper changes, feedings, toys, etc.  I can now add giving him his pacifier to the list. 

Video:  Ella giving William his pacifier (September 27, 2012).

Video:  Ella wants to give William the pacifier (September 29, 2012).

The pacifier must look very delicious because Ella decides to take it for herself.  No joke.  After William stop taking his binky, she looks at it and puts it in her mouth, turns to see my reaction, and continues to suck/bite on it.

She loves being a big sister but still wants to be the only child.

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