Friday, March 29, 2013


E is such a good big sister.  As we were waiting for our friends, E decides to go up to the stroller where Liam is sitting and make her baby brother smile.  She's touching his feet underneath the blanket, talking to him, showing him his toys, and loves seeing him smile.  Liam laughs at one point and E loved it.  She decides to use the blanket and play peek-a-boo with him. 

Video:  E playing peek-a-boo with Liam (March 29, 2013).
Video:  E makes Liam laugh (March 29, 2013).

I can't believe how good of a big sister she is.  She still enjoys giving Liam a bath and helping him with his toys and feeding.

Video:  E giving Liam a bath (March 27, 2013).
Video:  E pretend plays (March 28, 2013).

I love her so much.

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