Monday, March 4, 2013

Daddy Time

E can say Daddy clearly now which makes me sad as she does not say Mommy at all.  Sigh, I guess we'll have to work on that.  For now, I'll take her roar's when she wants me.

Video:  Ella is so happy to see daddy (January 16, 2013).

Video:  Ella and Daddy playing on the bed (January 22, 2013).

Video:  Ella and Daddy playing (January 23, 2013).

Video:  Ella messing with Daddy's face (February 1, 2013).

Video:  Ella bouncing on Daddy (February 1, 2013).
Picture:  Ella and Daddy coloring (January 20, 2013) at Red Robins.

Picture:  Ella reading the bible (Januar 20, 2013).

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