Thursday, May 24, 2012

My baby can sign!

Baby signing can help alleviate stress for infants and toddlers who cannot express what they want verbally yet.  At least that's what all the hype is about.  We only wanted to teach Ella the basics (Eat, Milk, Diaper, Finish, etc.) so that she would be able to communicate her essential needs prior to her ability to talk.  A few months ago, I notice she understood when I signed to her and understood certain words as she would calm down or get excited.  But she didn't show any baby signs to respond to her needs yet.  All you can do is try and hope for the best.

To our surprise, she recently started to sign these past few weeks!

Video:  Ella signing for milk (May 11, 2012).

Video:  Ella signing for more (May 13, 2012).

Video:  Ella signing for dog. (May 23, 2012)

Video:  Ella signing for finish.

Video:  Ella signing for book. (May 23, 2012)

Much props to those parents who are able to teach their children sign and for continuing to do so throughout their toddler years.  It takes so much persistence, discipline and patience to sign every day when you get no results for months.  I really get annoyed by those people who believe that they and every other parent should teach their baby to sign.  There is no guarantee that your child will pick it up nor does it make you a bad parent if you chose not to do so.

For more information:
*I purchased an IPhone App to teach me baby sign and bought a few books.  The books didn't really do much as Ella only enjoyed looking at the pictures.

1 comment:

  1. What a smart girl! She must get it from her mommy!
