Monday, May 28, 2012

International Kids Festival

Favorite Video of the weekend:  Ella standing and dancing on her own.

International Kids Festival
The 8th annual International Kids Festival was held this past Saturday, May 26, 2012 at Williams Land Park.  We decided to take a family outing and checked it out.  I thought it would have more interesting things to see for Ella but I was disappointed as most of the fair involved soliciting business booths and random performances.  The highlight of our weekend would be walking around the garden and the pond.  Ella loved looking at the flowers and watching the ducks swim around in the pond. 

Pictures:  Daddy giving Ella a piggyback ride around the festival (May 26, 2012).

Pictures:  Daddy walking Ella around the garden (May 26, 2012).

Videos:  Daddy and Ella bonding time around the garden (May 26, 2012).

*  *  *  *  *
Vick's Ice Cream
We made a stop at Vick's Ice Cream parlor on our way home.  Can I say how much a fan Ella is of ice cream?  Brian gave her some of his mint chip ice cream and she kept signing for more.  It was entertaining when she started to feed herself the ice cream with her own hand.  I had to discipline her and (though it was so cute) tell her no.  Her initial response was this sad, teary eye look - as if I just took away her favorite toy she was playing with.  She does not like being discipline or being told no.  Smart little infant this one.

Picture:  Daddy feeding Ella mint ice cream

Video:  Daddy feeding Ella mint ice cream

Our time as a family is always the highlight of the weekend!

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