Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wednesday - July 13, 2011

Mid-week already?  Where has the time gone. . . Day 3 has passed and I'm still waiting for the explosion.

Morning @ DDGE:  Ella spent the morning with me at work and got to play Shae, Birdie, Shae's grandma, and Laura.  Lots of love and attention!  For the most part she did good except she was screaming for a nap.  She's just like me, super mad if she doesn't get enough sleep.

Video:  Ella playing on Shae's bed while listening to Taylor Swift.

Picture:  Ella + Shae, Katheryn, Birdie

Afternoon Activities:  Ella passed out on our drive home and continue to sleep the rest of the afternoon.  She was way overdue for her nap and boy did she enjoy sleeping!  When she woke up, she played on her mat and she eventually found her thumb.  I heard her sucking her thumb all the way from the kitchen - yes it was that loud (watch the video - you can hear her). 

Picture:  Ella sleeping on our bed - passed out! 
Video:  Ella sucking on her thumb (you can hear the sucking noises).  Watch her lose her thumb, cry and then find it again.

Video:  Ella playing on her play mat

Evening Activities:  We had our Steele family dinner tonight since we won't be able to do it this weekend.  Ella was in such a good mood since she got a nap/fed/changed!  She even smiled and talked to her grandparents. By 8pm, she was ready to be changed/fed and sleep. 

Video:  Ella being held by her grandparents.

Video:  Ella being held by her great Grandpa Steele.

Pictures from the evening:

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