Friday, July 1, 2011

Friday - July 1, 2011

 Hello July!

Who's ready for a nice long three day weekend?  Ella is!  We're excited to spend the weekend with Brian at home and to enjoy more tummy time, bumbo time, and baby talk.

Ella is a wonderful baby at night - went to bed at 9:30pm and I didn't wake up to her smacking her lips until about 6:00am.  Crazy right?  I can't remember the last time I woke up to the sound of her crying.  

Morning Activities:  After her morning nap (which I enjoyed immensely as she slept on me), we did our usual morning play time routine BUT with an addition of a new baby activity mat.  It's a frog!  ;)  How cute right?  The play mat is suppose to help with her tummy time.

Video:  Tummy time on her new tummy play mat.  The first minute is always pleasant - - the last four minutes is dreadful.

Afternoon @ DDGE:  Ella slept the whole ride to work (thank goodness!) and after we changed/fed her went right back to sleep.  Jacqueline watched her and said she did better than yesterday.  Woohoo!  She slept, played, changed, fed, slept, and then we went home.  I am glad she's adapting to people so easily - I want her to be a social butterfly when she grows up.

Picture:  This was taken on Tuesday when Amber was watching Ella.  She woke up and was itching for her thumb.  Funny stuff right?

Video: Afternoon play time for Ella.

Evening Activities:  We love our Friday evenings with Brian. Went to our first River Cats Baseball Game today as a family.  Brian held Ella in the Baby Bjorn sling while we watched the game.  We only stayed until the fifth inning but it was fun getting out.  Gave Ella a bath and she fell asleep after she was changed/fed.

Picture:  Raley Field - River Cats vs. Tucson Padres

Video:  Bath Time with Brian

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