Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Fairytale Town

We are officially members of Fairytale Town!  What a fun morning with Claire, Andrew and Cameron.  E got to spend a few hours chasing the kids, eating lots of snacks, and learning to go down the slide on her own.  Kana said E spent the afternoon going down her slide like a pro!  I'll have to get a video clip of it.  So glad she is finally loving her slide.

Video:  E, Claire, Andrew and Cameron play with cheese (April 2, 2013).

Video: E and the boys chase the ducks (April 2, 2013).
Video: E gets a flower from Cameron (April 2, 2013).
Video:  E finally goes down the slide on her own (April 2, 2013).
Video:  E takes her time with the slide (April 2, 2013).

What a wonderful day with our friends.

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