Thursday, September 13, 2012

Let's find William.

Ella loves to look in on William and see what he's doing.  Her new thing is to grab on to the side of the bassinet and tip toe so she can see him.  Finally got it on video!
Video:  Ella looking in on William (September 9, 2012).

Ella is too funny.  She won't let my folks hold William anymore but she will let visitors hold him.  When I change William's diaper, Ella wants to be apart of the team and forces me to bring her up to the table to watch.  She has become an awesome little helper as she likes to throw William's dirty diapers in the trash can.  What a good big sister!

Picture:  Ella tip toes to see her baby brother (September 10, 2012).

Pictures: Ella still loves checking on her brother.


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