Tuesday, March 6, 2012

45 Weeks - 03.02.2012

Capturing Ella at 45 Weeks . . .

Picture of the Day:
Friday 02/24/12 - Ella's first trip to the Sacramento Zoo.  Lunch date @ Mary's.

Saturday 02/25/12 - Ella enjoying her carseat.

Sunday 02/26/12 - Ella sitting in her own chair at meeting.

Monday 02/27/12 -  Ella entertaining Claire at BuyBuyBaby.

Tuesday 02/28/12 - Ella enjoying play time after swim class.

Wednesday 02/29/12 - Ella playing with Paige in her crib.

Thursday 03/01/12 - Ella enjoying the public library with the other kids.  Ella and Kingston.

Videos of the Week:
Video:  Ella's first trip at the Sacramento Zoo (February 24, 2012).

Video:  Ella loves to feed herself (February 26, 2012).

Video:  Ella and Claire playing at BuyBuyBaby (February 27, 2012).

Video:  Ella trying strawberries for the first time (February 27, 2012).

Video:  Ella playing in the bath tub (February 29, 2012).

Video:  Ella playing with Ella at the public library (March 1, 2012).

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