Monday, April 8, 2013

Bird seeds, who knew?

Ella had fabulous day last Thursday with the twins.  She spent the early morning in her PJs with the twins having breakfast, jumping and driving their cats crazy.  After I did my errands, we picked up the kids and took them to ArtBeast where they spent a good amount of time playing with. . . . bird seeds. 

Video:  E jumping with the Andrew and Cameron (April 4, 2013)
Video:  E's version of gymnastics (April 4, 2013).
Video:  E likes the moonsand (April 4, 2013).

Video:  E loves to play with the bird seed (April 4, 2013).

Video:  E loves to paint with purple (April 4, 2013).

Video:  E loves bird seeds (April 4, 2013).

Picture Recap:

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Capitol Congregation

Ella loves field service, Sunday meetings and eating out with the friends.  She spent her Friday morning out in field service with Sabrina, Minty and Lindsey.  We were able to do return visits and then a whole block door to door.  To my surprise, she clung on to Lindsey and Sabrina the entire time and loved every second of it.  My heart just melted watching her hold their hands.

Video:  Ella, Sabrina and Lindsey going door to door (April 5, 2013).
Video:  Ella and Lindsey checking on bugs (April 5, 2013).

Picture Recap:

After our special talk, we had a late lunch at Spaghetti Factory with a few friends from Capitol.  E had a blast when she came in during dessert.  Chased Ethan, Isaac and Jack around - all you could hear was laughter.

Video:  Ella playing with McKenzie, Ethan and Isaac (April 7, 2013).

Video:  E chasing Isaac (April 7, 2013).

Video:  E and the boys (April 7, 2013).

Thursday, April 4, 2013

My funny kid.

E spent yesterday morning and afternoon with her new favorite babysitters the William's girls.  Janet, Sophia and Gabriella all had a blast with E.  She especially loved spending time with Gabriella.  I didn't have my phone on me so I missed getting video clips of them laughing and playing together.  Just too cute.  Both kids went down for their naps as usual (thanks to mama Janet for keeping their routine!) and I came home to happy rested kids ;)

Not sure where she picked this up but E is one funny kid.

Video:  E's new favorite thing to do (April 3, 2013).
Video:  E being funny with her dog (April 3, 2013).
Video:  E loves her new slide (April 3, 2013).
Video:  E gets shy on the slide (April 3, 2013).


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Harlem Shake

This past Friday we went down to Brian's office to support him on his Harlam Shake video.  E got dressed up with wings and a princess crown.  Liam wore his Tiger outfit.  The kids are toward the end.
Video:  Harlem Shake (March 29, 2013)

Can you tell which one Brian is?

Fairytale Town

We are officially members of Fairytale Town!  What a fun morning with Claire, Andrew and Cameron.  E got to spend a few hours chasing the kids, eating lots of snacks, and learning to go down the slide on her own.  Kana said E spent the afternoon going down her slide like a pro!  I'll have to get a video clip of it.  So glad she is finally loving her slide.

Video:  E, Claire, Andrew and Cameron play with cheese (April 2, 2013).

Video: E and the boys chase the ducks (April 2, 2013).
Video: E gets a flower from Cameron (April 2, 2013).
Video:  E finally goes down the slide on her own (April 2, 2013).
Video:  E takes her time with the slide (April 2, 2013).

What a wonderful day with our friends.

ArtBeast Studio

We checked out the ArtBeast Studio on K and 22nd this past Monday - E loved it!  ArtBeast turned an old two-story house with a basement into a big play house for kids to do a variety of crafts, music exploration and play areas.  We didn't check out everything but got to enjoy a few of their crafts and a class.

We're a fan!

Video:  E painting with chalk and glue (April 1, 2013).
Video:  E listening to teacher during class (April 1, 2013).
Video:  E enjoying her afternoon babysitter Caroline (April 1, 2013).


Friday, March 29, 2013


E is such a good big sister.  As we were waiting for our friends, E decides to go up to the stroller where Liam is sitting and make her baby brother smile.  She's touching his feet underneath the blanket, talking to him, showing him his toys, and loves seeing him smile.  Liam laughs at one point and E loved it.  She decides to use the blanket and play peek-a-boo with him. 

Video:  E playing peek-a-boo with Liam (March 29, 2013).
Video:  E makes Liam laugh (March 29, 2013).

I can't believe how good of a big sister she is.  She still enjoys giving Liam a bath and helping him with his toys and feeding.

Video:  E giving Liam a bath (March 27, 2013).
Video:  E pretend plays (March 28, 2013).

I love her so much.